View Full Version : auto shop grabber

05-15-2016, 06:58 PM
im trying to make a gm script to simply auto click on the item image when it shows in the shop ..but no matter what i do it sends me to 404 error page..
the shop im trying to do this in is 58 is there anyone who would know how to make that work as
// ==/UserScript==
var x = 7000 //set the refresh rate here.

if(document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('The Three Stamp') > -1) {
var item= document.evaluate('//b[. = "The Three Stamp]',document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);if (item.snapshotlength > 0){item = item.snapshotItem(0);selectedlink=item.previousSib ling.previousSibling;window.location = selectedlink}return;}

this doesnt work it selects it but instead of going to haggle page it goes to 404 error
can anyone help? thank you
all want is something that will find and click certain item seems easy but ..this is what happenes 404 error everytime