View Full Version : Opinions on Jhin, the Virtuoso

Mama Bear
02-06-2016, 12:00 AM
When the teaser videos for Jhin first came out, I was excited by his back story. I think the whole 'seeing beauty in death' thing was awesome, albeit a little obviously ripped off of the tv series Hannibal at times (dude turned into a human tree, for instance). Upon release though, I'm just not impressed. I don't feel like the character in-game reflects what I was hoping it would.

What are your thoughts on this champion?

02-06-2016, 12:53 AM
I haven't been able to access my PC yet to play, so all I know is what I've seen from streams and spectating. I don't know, I was apprehensive from the start about his playability, but excited about the concept. I was just concerned about how a champion with relatively basic abilities would fare when the last half dozen or more champions have been super crazy and/or revolutionary in gameplay.

I'm in the same boat - so far, what I've seen in game has not impressed me. I see people saying "oh he's better in mid to late game!" but the thing is, with a champion put together like Jhin is, you need to be able to survive and thrive in early game in order to have that mid to late game potential. Maybe some better players will find the light in the darkness, but right now I think he might just slip into the shadows until either the next champion comes around or he gets buffed.

I do like that one ability that bounces damage off targets - I think it's cool. c:

02-06-2016, 11:57 AM
IDK guys I think Jhin has some strong early game damage, it makes him a great laner imo. Strong poke and harass. Close early level fights are in his favor too. Pair him up with an aggressive sona or nami in bot. I think he's overrated rn though cus so many bad people are playing him and trying him out, but I'm gonna have to go against the grain here and say he's good

Plus, I dig the voice actor mmmmmmmm

02-06-2016, 01:09 PM
I'm an adc main and I was super excited for him. He ended up having a unique style that I am still getting use to, so I'll reframe from commenting too much on his play just yet.

However - I was super disappointed with his lore! It's incredibly short and lacks specific details. I really wanted to get to know this guy without having to leave the LoL client.

02-09-2016, 12:43 PM
Jhin's ult sure is fun though in my opinion!

03-27-2016, 12:43 PM
Eu gostei muito do campe�o, por�m acho a mec�nica dele muito dif�cil para se jogar. Boa sorte para quem segue jogando de Jhin. ;S

03-27-2016, 12:52 PM
Not really into the whole lore thing but as a champion I find him definitely in the upper tier with graves/kindred/lucian/jinx/ezreal. I play ranked daily and I swear its ALWAYS lucian versus Jhin bot lane with the occasional vayne (oh and ezreal too). I think its because the other adcs like tristana/caitlin/ashe are good too, but they get so utterly destroyed by the popular champions (udyr, malphite, nautilus, braum, blitzcrank, thresh).

Looking at Jhin alone, I feel hes pretty balanced minus his "e" (I think)? Whichever is the cage one. I think it should ONLY cage when his ability hits the target originally, or if they want to keep it as it is, they need to reduce the distance or something. He's like almost a support adc kinda. I thought his ult was op too but I have seen so many Jhin players do terribly with it so its definitely not simple to use.

05-14-2016, 02:28 PM
Looking forward joining team Clraik!

05-14-2016, 02:42 PM
Looking forward joining team Clraik!