View Full Version : Looking for NA server friends { adc main }

02-03-2016, 11:05 PM
I'm looking to make some LoL friend, preferably those who do not play much adc as that is my main.

I communicate through Curse Voice and Skype. I'd prefer someone who was at least silver last season, as I keep getting paired with players who have low knowledge of the game and how to play as a team. :c

I just ask that:
1) You're mature
2) You have a basic knowledge of the game and want to learn and get better
3) You value teamwork. So many newer players get caught up in lane phase that they don't care what happens after with the rest of the team...
4) You can laugh and have fun, and don't give up or get overly frustrated if you're having a bad game.

Again - I'm an adc main on the NA server. I'm looking forward to meeting new players and hopefully making friends!

If you would like my summoner name, please PM me :)

02-03-2016, 11:24 PM
Nicole niceee im a support/mid main but i really am great at support!
add me, im Kywaii. i was silver 5 last season but i dont rly play ranked too often, the only reason i play these days is to queue normals with my friends

02-03-2016, 11:38 PM
You can add me. I was Gold III last season and ended gold 4 due to decay. I main support and mid/top. My user is I Turret Dive.

02-04-2016, 12:05 AM
I can be the cheerleader from a distance. :,) (haven't played in a while, waiting to get PC fixed and only play currently on my macbook ewww)
I haven't played ranked yet, haven't really felt like it, but I do enjoy the game and I rarely ever get upset (unless, like you said, the whole team just gets furious at each other and forgets to actually play and have fun). I do mid/support/adc, so if you're ever up for a chill game, I'm your girl. c:
Etkri on NA

02-06-2016, 01:07 PM
Awh yay! People posted... :) I'm super happy.

Right now LoL is having issues with logging in (not just me - but for many users). I'll add you guys as soon as I get the chance. It will be obvious who I am when I friend you as my username here is apart of my summoner name :*