View Full Version : Workout & Calorie-plan for Weight Loss

02-19-2012, 07:05 PM
Now this might be redundant if you are young, healthy, spritely things like I assume most of you are... however if anyone needs a little push to shift a few unwanted pounds here is a short but sweet guide.

Step One:

Calculate your BMR. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate and it's how many calories your body burns per day just by breathing. To calculate this go to [Only registered and activated users can see links]
If you are a sedentary/low-activity person multiply this number by 1.2 to see how many calories per day you should eat if you want to maintain the same weight

Step Two:

If you wish to do no exercise and still lose weight simply subtract 250-500 calories from your the number you worked out in step one. Depending on your appetite this could leave you a little hungry but you will lose weight
If you are planning on exercise simply eat the number of calories per day you worked out in step one

Step Three:

Find a way to count your calories that is convenient and useful. I recommend the smart phone app myfitnesspal which is free and has a very extensive food database. It also has an online counterpart [Only registered and activated users can see links]
Make sure you log everything if you are really determined about losing weight
Some people prefer hand-written food journals. Whatever you decide, make sure you log everything, ever day

Step Four:

Find an exercise you enjoy and that you can fit into your schedule.
This really can be anything from gardening, to hiking, to visiting your local gym. I can't stress enough how important it is you find an exercise that you enjoy otherwise you won't be able to keep it up.

Step Five:

Don't get discouraged! Results can take a few weeks to show but if you really stick at it you can look and feel great in no time.
Once you've reached your target weight calculate your new BMR and multiply by 1.2 to find your new calorie allowance

A list of exercises and their calorie burn:
[Only registered and activated users can see links]

Good luck guys and gals, please PM me with any questions as I am by no means a professional but I did lose 89lbs :D

02-19-2012, 07:07 PM
I have what the doctors call it iron deficiency anemia and my hemoglobin level is 50%
I would gain like 20lbs in about 5days and will lose the same amount in like 3 days...
any advice?
Just want a new prespective

02-20-2012, 12:46 PM
Seeing as your haemoglobin level is 50% (from the AS level biology I've covered I'm assuming this is referring to the oxygen-carrying capacity of the haemoglobin in your blood?) I would advise doing light exercises like walking or maybe leisurely swimming or cycling. Do you exercise regularly?

I am by no means a medical professional though and would be wary in giving out anything more than speculation. I'd say keep your diet varied (by food types so you don't get bored) but consistent in that you get the max amount of protein/carbohydrates/fibre you need. Try keeping your calories consistent too, because weight at the most basic level is determined by calories intaken minus calories expended.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. One day, when I become a doctor I will get back to you with some better advice :)

04-24-2012, 10:08 AM
Work out and calories plan both are very important for weight loss, for weight loss you have to
burn calories and this is only possible with the help of physical activity and cardio exercise, making
a plan of in take calories is also important low calories are best for the weight loss.

04-24-2012, 10:16 AM
It's also important to remember to NEVER eat less than 1000 calories in a day. It will force your body To go into starvation mode which will slow down your metabolism (to conserve calories).
Also make sure to re-check your BMR every month or so if you're starting to lose weight. As your weight goes down and your metabolism increases, your body will need more calories.
If you think you're doing everything right, but you're not losing weight, believe it or not, you're probably not eating enough. If you put a cup of gas in your car, it won't go very far. Same with your body.

And I HIGHLY recommend My Fitness Pal! I used it to lose weight last year, and now I use it to maintain my weight. :)

04-26-2012, 04:55 PM
I would like to also add to this that it is not all about how MUCH you eat, but also WHAT you eat. It is very important to make sure at least half of the carbs you eat per day are WHOLE GRAIN carbs. To determine if something is whole grain or not, look at the ingredients. If the first ingredient says "whole wheat" or "whole grain" then you are good to go. If it says "enriched," it is not whole grain. Whole grain carbs will help you lose weight because they contain more fiber, which helps you feel fuller for longer, so you don't get hungry again as quickly. Also include lots of colorful fruits and vegetables to make sure all your vitamins and minerals are covered :) And of course, lots and lots of water!