View Full Version : Neopets related question

12-16-2011, 05:42 PM
There is no subforum for this yet, so I figured this would be the best place to ask.

I rediscovered the game a while ago by becomming youth sentimental, and started playing. Wich quickly reminded me of cheating, when looking for the easiest trophy guides reminded me of an even easier way. It's just I haven't ducking played the game in 6 years, and even tho I figured that out all again in no time, I'm kind of lost at what the best way of cheating atm is.
I'm familiar with proxy's and I can find lots of lists with good adresses, and they are usually okay to create accounts, but it becomes a pain in the ass with scoresending. Somehow when I use any of them with any SS-er, it fails and I am forced to use my own ip. However, I don't want to use this, since doing so I lost my main I just rebuild a couple of days ago. I'm still annoyed by it tbh ... So does anyone have any advice for me to improve my cheating methods? Or how/wich proxies I can use best?

12-16-2011, 10:48 PM
Use Array of Bytes if you only want trophies. However, some games cannot be er, "cheated on" using Cheat Engine, but you can still get plenty of trophies only using Array of Bytes. You can Google it (include "Neopets" somewhere in the search) to find a guide. I've been using AoBs for as long as I can remember, and no ban yet. I've survived all of my reviews so far... and now I just sound over confident. ;P