View Full Version : A common bug I've seen with many of the programs here...

10-09-2014, 02:48 AM
Ok, so I've been using several of the programs here and been trying them out, with different accounts and proxies and whatnot.

I've run into a problem with many of the programs, including ones made my Infamous Joe, in which the cookies are not cleared from the program when you type in a new username, password, proxy, etc and click Login.

This is a problem in the following situation:

1. Log in with username 1 through proxy 1.
2. Abuse for awhile.
3. Log in with username 2 through proxy 2.
4. Abuse for awhile.

Now, this is a problem because the cookies from username 1 are sent when you log into username 2, so even though you've used a new proxy and account neopets has now linked the 2 accounts together through cookie tracking.

To get around this, close the program completely and reload the program when you are changing connection and account settings.