View Full Version : [TIPS] Some tips to leave the Elo Hell

09-28-2014, 07:03 PM
Well, I play league of legends on BR server and I leave from bronze to gold II by myself. Now I'm playing on NA server to help a friend to do the same. I can share some tips when you are in Elo Hell (Bronze and Silver).

To start, you have to accept tha fact that if you are bronze or silver, you are not the best league player in the world. Accepting this, you can start to work on improve your game skills (improving your cs skills and lane phase skills.)

First Tip: Play in at least 3 different roles

You should improve yourself to play in at least 3 different roles. If you just can play in one role, just don't play rankeds yet. I'm telling that because you can't join game and start to spam "mid or feed", if you do that, you deserve to be bronze V, but the problem is that you are carrying a entire team to lose with you. So learn how to play new roles just in case that you don't get your main role.

Second Tip: The mini map is there to you look at it.

Never start to blaming people for no mia, it's your fault as well if you don't have any wards (Never blame the support as well, the support warder do not exist anymore since season 4 limit to 3 wards, so EVERYBOdY have to help to ward). Make sure that you have a good vision of your lane side on lane phase to win that. After the lane phase, make sure to have a great vision of the objectives (dragon and baron) and also a good vision of your jungle and enemy jungle, so you can easily counter gank or getting someone out of position, that can increase A LOT you chances to win.

Third Tip: Objectives > Kills

Kills will never win a game for you, it's better to let the enemy run away sometimes and get a turret (if you don't have that in mind when you have no vision, the entire enemy team can caught you out of position, so it can destroy your entire lane phase), make sure that you can protect your turrets and try to force turrets. If you have another lane losing a lot the lane phase and you are winning your lane, try to force your lane to turret/second turret to make enemies go to your lane and try to stop you, so your teamate that is losing can get some cs our his turret (for that you need good wards and a good map vision).

Fourth Tip: Rage will make you lose

Never be a child when you are playing rankeds, even if all of your teammates are all dumbasses, don't start to rage, try to get the leadership and to make calls, try to help them and never, NEVER fight your teammates, because they want to win so as you want to. If you encourage your team, you can comeback to game and win.

Fifth Tip: Help your jungler

Your jungler can help every single lane, so if he need your help, try to help him, and if you can't help, don't blame him, try to say that you can't, and NEVER ignore anybody, that's really roode.
Another thing about jungler, never, NEVER do that: "/all your jungler 12142 ganks our jungler 0 ganks" It can destroy your team, everybody gonna rage, jungler, your teammates and everybody else. If you need your jungler help, use your education and try to do that: "Hey jungler, can you help me a little? It's a little bit hard here" Never try to sound like sarcastic or anything like that.

Sixth Tip: Learn to adapt to the game

Your builds per game should never be the same between two games. You should build according to what you are faced in game. For example, if you are a tank and most of their team is AP, focus on building magic resistance over armor. This is extremely crucial to your late game.

Seventh Tip: Masteries and Runes

Make sure to have a good rune pages to champions that you like to play. It can give you a really good advantage.
On your masteries, it's pretty much the same as the build, try to adapt that with the enemy team comp. So you can get a better stats against the enemy team and get a little bit better on the game.

Eighth Tip: Have Fun.

League of Legends is a game, so try to have fun and a cool game. If you are starting to be stressful with the game, just take a break and try again later. When you are stresful, you can mess up sometimes and start to be more stresful, like a snowball. Breaks are really good between ranked games, because you use to get a little bit nervous. Never forget that: Ranked is pretty much just a draft game with another name.

Ninth Tip: Solo Q < duo Q

It's a personal preference, I guess. But I really prefer have a duo partner to play rankeds with me, because it's better to make good calls and you have someone that yoou really trust to help you. It increase your moral in game and you play a little bit better.

Tenth Tip: Never Give Up!

League of Legends is a team game, if you are losing, put in your mind that your teammates can make you back to the game, so keep trying and try to fix your mistakes when the game is running.
We have our good days, and we have our bad days. don't give up trying after you wen 0/20/0 on teemo support. Learn from your mistakes, don't blame others and move on. If you find taking a break necessary, by all means take one! If you find yourself running on a losing streak, I suggest you to stop for a little. Never be frustrated and enjoy the game!

Useful links:

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This is my tips for rankeds at Elo Hell. I hope it help you guys and if you want, I can try to make a runes guide (just a simple rune guide), that you can adapt to your champions.

Thank you so much to read that all and sorry if it does not help you at all.

PS. English is not my first language, so I'm really, really sorry about grammar error and something like that. If you have any questions about that, please feel free to ask me and I'll try to make it better.