View Full Version : Neopets Login Gateway (alternative)

08-12-2014, 05:01 PM
Useful for anyone cracking accounts. Will allow you to see if password works even if you don't have Birthday. Will show a 0 if failed. 1 if success. I haven't had time to check any limits but allowed me multiple attempts per account while trying.

9/3/2014: looks patched.

08-12-2014, 05:25 PM
Doesn't seem to have a limit when it comes to failed attempts..

08-12-2014, 05:27 PM
Useful, thank you.

08-14-2014, 07:45 AM
Very handy, it appears there is a limit (atleast for me), got 403 forbidden at around 300 password tries, that may have been them thinking I was trying to DoS though, so possibly loading the page less frequently would work

EDIT: Confirmed on a different IP that it will block you at exactly 300 attempts, can be avoided by simply changing your IP address and continuing
EDIT2: Blocking me at different numbers now ranging from 280-300 so it's around there, it also seems to unblock you after you wait a certain period of time too, but it only unblocks you for a few more tries then blocks again
EDIT3: After waiting 60 seconds, it completely resets the count

09-04-2014, 08:35 AM
I believe they have limited this to 5 attempts now. mmk Not sure if that is per account or IP though.

09-04-2014, 10:59 AM
Yeah this might be patched.