View Full Version : Questions about league? Come ask for help!

05-01-2014, 09:07 PM
I have a pretty good understanding of the game, if you're new or just have questions feel free to ask me here or add me on league! My user is Johtoh, and I play on the NA server.

Master Shake
05-09-2014, 12:40 AM
I just made an account and might have some questions soon :P iMPACT

05-14-2014, 10:23 AM
I just made an account and might have some questions soon :P iMPACT
Master Shake
Feel free to pm or post back here! You can add me in game if you would like, my IGN is Johtoh.

I've been playing since last year only, but have managed to get to Plat 2 in ranked so far so I know somewhat alot about the game so far.

07-12-2014, 11:31 PM
What is the best way to climb from Bronze to Gold?

Considering I never go negative, but my team does causes me to lose a lot of my games how do people do it is what I wonder! :p

07-13-2014, 02:56 AM
Get the stronger champions by RP when it appear in promotion and carry your team. You have to Carry them. im plat V at brazilian server

07-13-2014, 05:07 PM
Faerie - honestly I hear this a lot from my lower ranked friends. But while this may be a 5 person team in reality you can only work on your OWN play. You can say your team sucks all you want but at the end of the day it's you that's losing the LP. Going "negative" doesn't matter THAT much as well (obviously you don't want to feed, though) - it's about how much impact you're making on the game at hand. K/D/A means nothing if you're 10-0 but have no impact on the game.

I could go on all day about this, but here's my basic tips for climbing:

- pick a role or two you like best and would like to learn for your "climb". Personally I think the easiest role to "carry" from is mid/jungle, but any role you like works. For these roles, learn 2-3 champions for them. And when I say learn, I mean, play them exclusively until you know them really well. They do not have to be "OP" contrary to what yoshiowner said, almost ANY champion can and will get you to at least Platinum/low Diamond if you play them well enough. (plus patches change what is "OP" so what is strong one patch may not necessarily be the next) There are many, many people in higher elo that exclusively play one champion, for example. Playing only a few champions helps you learn matchups, limitations of that champ, etc very well. The reason I suggest two or 3 is because sometimes, in midlane for example, you get hard countered by another champ.

The most important thing to remember is that you cannot control your team. Therefore the only play you can improve is yours. When I was climbing in previous seasons I exclusively played Lux/Annie mid or Elise/Volibear jungle. Ignore what your team says, ignore all chat, just focus on your own play.

I am currently a D2 support main in the NA server.

There are a billion other ways to help you in your climb to Gold but unfortunately they'd take days to list out and depend on how you play (such as warding, map awareness, teamfight awareness, and so forth) so details would be a little useless right now.

If you want, I can spectate one of your games for you on op.gg, and let you know what you did wrong/where to improve.

07-13-2014, 05:14 PM
Wintersmourn so, if you dont need pick OP champions, play only taric! At any roles, mid, top, etc. Weak champions cant climb your elo.

07-13-2014, 05:22 PM
Wintersmourn so, if you dont need pick OP champions, play only taric! At any roles, mid, top, etc. Weak champions cant climb your elo.

Go ahead and disagree all you want.
There're a ton of "one trick ponies" in the top ranks of the NA server right now who only play champions I'm guessing you won't deem as OP. "Last Skarner NA" only plays Skarner, "Nikkone" only plays Fiddlesticks, "Ryan Choi" only plays Rengar, "Boxbox" only plays Riven and so forth. There's more than a handful or what I can name here. Would you call those champs "OP" or "FOTM"? No you wouldn't. But these people know these champions inside out and certainly compete at the top of the bracket just fine. They play a champion they enjoy and know very well. Champion mastery > champion "strength".

Sure, you can buy Jax now to pubstomp noobs. But disregarding that he's got a very high banrate here in NA, you could play Jax absolutely terribly and get dumpstered by someone who's really good at Malphite. Just because a champion is "OP" doesn't = automatic win lol.

Also, "learn a champ you like" doesn't = trolling. 0____o Why you would think that I don't know.

07-13-2014, 05:33 PM
Go ahead and disagree all you want.
There're a ton of "one trick ponies" in the top ranks of the NA server right now who only play champions I'm guessing you won't deem as OP. "Last Skarner NA" only plays Skarner, "Nikkone" only plays Fiddlesticks, "Ryan Choi" only plays Rengar, "Boxbox" only plays Riven and so forth. There's more than a handful or what I can name here. Would you call those champs "OP" or "FOTM"? No you wouldn't. But these people know these champions inside out and certainly compete at the top of the bracket just fine. They play a champion they enjoy and know very well. Champion mastery > champion "strength".

Sure, you can buy Jax now to pubstomp noobs. But disregarding that he's got a very high banrate here in NA, you could play Jax absolutely terribly and get dumpstered by someone who's really good at Malphite. Just because a champion is "OP" doesn't = automatic win lol.

Also, "learn a champ you like" doesn't = trolling. 0____o Why you would think that I don't know.

Skarner riven fiddle and rengar are not weak in my opinion!
I doubt these guys can climb with a bad champion at a certain lane, like i said.
But its hard to win every lane as you agreed with me, you have to play 2-3 champions each lane, what means lol is a game of counters, its not about just be good with mechanical skills.

07-13-2014, 05:41 PM
Skarner riven fiddle and rengar are not weak in my opinion!
I doubt these guys can climb with a bad champion at a certain lane, like i said.
But its hard to win every lane as you agreed with me, you have to play 2-3 champions each lane, what means lol is a game of counters, its not about just be good with mechanical skills.

You'd be surprised at how far mechanics can get you. I'd say mechanics is enough to get into gold/low plat; past that you will need champion mastery. Why else would a diamond player be completely able to stomp a bronze even in a losing matchup? Mechanics.

And that's kind of my point. Obviously I don't want Faerie to learn weaker champs like Urgot, but say, if she really likes Lux I don't see why she shouldn't be able to play Lux mid to climb. Not everything is about the champion strength. She doesn't have to play current mid OP's like Syndra or Yasuo; if she wants to play champions that are outside the current "FOTM" such as Ahri, Cassiopeia, Annie, etc I don't see why not.

07-13-2014, 06:08 PM
You'd be surprised at how far mechanics can get you. I'd say mechanics is enough to get into gold/low plat; past that you will need champion mastery. Why else would a diamond player be completely able to stomp a bronze even in a losing matchup? Mechanics.

And that's kind of my point. Obviously I don't want Faerie to learn weaker champs like Urgot, but say, if she really likes Lux I don't see why she shouldn't be able to play Lux mid to climb. Not everything is about the champion strength. She doesn't have to play current mid OP's like Syndra or Yasuo; if she wants to play champions that are outside the current "FOTM" such as Ahri, Cassiopeia, Annie, etc I don't see why not.

But is easier to climb with a stronger champion rather than a weaker, you agree?

07-22-2014, 01:12 PM
mechanics can only get you that far, knowing your champ inside out, his/her limits, and game sense is also important in climbing ranks

09-02-2014, 09:54 AM
Even though I'm not high elo (Plat III atm) I think I could help anybody with some doubts!

09-02-2014, 10:06 AM
Even though I'm not high elo (Plat III atm) I think I could help anybody with some doubts!

Plat is still top 10% or something. You're high enough. :)

09-02-2014, 03:21 PM
I main mid (G5 last season, S2 climbing this season) and cycle through champions within the AP carry category (I started out with Lux, moved onto Ziggs, Orianna, Syndra, etc). I've tried most mid laners and have done fairly well with them except for Lissandra. Does anyone here main her or know enough about her to give me some tips? Thanks in advance.

09-05-2014, 06:16 PM
Im fresh out of bronze right now,I was silver V last season, but got a "downgrade" on the 10 first rankeds to Bronze V, since I tried to rank up with support role (was a total fail btw) dont know on NA servers but on EUW is totally impossible to do it, so in the past weeks Im busting my ass of to get G5 at least this season, I find out that Im a pretty good adc,hehehe btw people on the EUW can add me,Im Psikotica. :P

09-05-2014, 06:33 PM
Im fresh out of bronze right now,I was silver V last season, but got a "downgrade" on the 10 first rankeds to Bronze V, since I tried to rank up with support role (was a total fail btw) dont know on NA servers but on EUW is totally impossible to do it, so in the past weeks Im busting my ass of to get G5 at least this season, I find out that Im a pretty good adc,hehehe btw people on the EUW can add me,Im Psikotica. :P

Supporting low elo is virtually impossible. It's only until high gold/plat+ that it gets better.

09-05-2014, 07:00 PM
Supporting low elo is virtually impossible. It's only until high gold/plat+ that it gets better.

its pretty sad but true I still think that a lot of people would win alot more of games if there where good trios of adc/sup/jungler...makes me feel bad because I really love to supp and I wanted to improve myself on that role

09-09-2014, 06:53 PM
I main mid (G5 last season, S2 climbing this season) and cycle through champions within the AP carry category (I started out with Lux, moved onto Ziggs, Orianna, Syndra, etc). I've tried most mid laners and have done fairly well with them except for Lissandra. Does anyone here main her or know enough about her to give me some tips? Thanks in advance.

Did you try toplane liss? Liss is pretty short ranged, but she is a huge bully against melees. Her cc also helps a lot if your jungler wants to gank your lane (Top is longer than mid), you have mobility with e and passive will help you with any possible mana issues.

09-11-2014, 10:37 PM
I main mid (G5 last season, S2 climbing this season) and cycle through champions within the AP carry category (I started out with Lux, moved onto Ziggs, Orianna, Syndra, etc). I've tried most mid laners and have done fairly well with them except for Lissandra. Does anyone here main her or know enough about her to give me some tips? Thanks in advance.
1. Max RQWE
2. Rush DFG then Zhonyas
3. Spam Q, hitting creeps and whittling down enemy laner simultaneously
4. Use E to get in range to all in with DFG RWQ combo
5. Zhonyas and if needed and watch any other enemies squirm in confusion
6. ???
7. Profit that elo

Also, set your R self cast to a convenient key so you can reliably deal massive AOE in a team fight while enjoying up to 5 seconds of invincibility with Zhonyas.

05-14-2016, 02:48 PM
Looking forward joining team Clraik!