View Full Version : [B] League of legends [IF I CAN]

12-31-2013, 08:24 AM
So, I just started league tonight, and I hate my champions...
How do I get lots of influence points and is there a forum to buy league stuff for cheaper than they sell it on the actual game?

So, onto the [B] part

Willing to pay large-cap NC items/USD (most likely NC) for league stuff (f thats possible, IDK how league works)
I just dont want to be a newbie with no baller champs

Snoop Lion
12-31-2013, 08:29 AM
Nah theres no where you can buy it cheap because once you have something on your LOL account say a skin or champ, you can't sell it to anyone, it is yours to keep.

And trust me, you don't want to buy an account or anything, what you want to do is use your first 30 levels on normal levelling up, getting to know EVERY SINGLE CHAMP and i mean every single one, to be good at the game you need to know what every champ is capable off doing. I got 500 normal wins before i even started to play ranked, even though i was level 30 way before that. If you don't know what champs can do you will really suck at the game.

However you can buy riot points though, which you can buy champs/skins with so there is that you can do. babytroop123456

I would say add me in game, but im on the EUW server and i'm guessing your on the NA

01-01-2014, 04:39 PM
^I agree with the person above.
Riot made it this way to prevent hackers from getting huge benefits when breaking into someone else's account (other than selling the account as a whole or if you have unused RP then they can gift, but it's easily trackable).
Or I can gift you certain champs/skins in exchange for something else. I'm not really interested in NC items though, I'd like UC pets.

I can however, go on a smurf, play some games with you, teach you the basics or teach you a specific role. I main mid and support, I can also play adc fairly ok.
I'm plat 4 on NA server, PM me if you want to add.

01-02-2014, 12:15 AM
Honestly it's so much better to play the game yourself... You learn the most when playing the game!

01-03-2014, 11:02 AM
I'll just chip my two cents in.

Mostly what everyone else said.

In a way there are some things that matter in league that you just can't hack or buy with money and its not champions. Its Runes. There's no point in buying runes until your lvl 30, but once you do, it'll augment your abilities and power if you have the right set.

I'm plat 5, and i definitely don't like every single new champ or champs are considered "broken". There are cheap champions that can be considered quite strong too, annie, sivir, garen, kayle, ryze, warwick(perfectly good noob jungler). All 450 ip so they don't take very many games to get. If you think you want a certain champ like Riven or Jayce, wait until they are in a free week, play a few games with them, then decide if you want spend IP on them because 6300 IP is no joke unless you have all the champs like me...

06-05-2014, 10:06 AM
When you reach level 30 with those points earned you are able to buy quite afew champs

06-05-2014, 10:13 AM
If you have Zachafer and myself playing with you, you'll like league B)

06-06-2014, 02:11 PM
quit league for 3 months now and i have some accounts im trying to get rid of if u wanna trade for neopets items or npts

1: plat 3, 81 champs, 9 skins , championship riven etc..... look inside
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2:gold 2, 80 champs, 13 skins, riot graves, riot blitz , riot nasus etc...
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3:gold 3, 22 champs 3 skins , 2 victorious ... inside
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4:lvl 30 unranked 11 champs , 1 skin judgement kayle
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