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06-11-2013, 10:36 PM
Hey, I need the following information for the digestive system :P

Digestive System Assignment

1. Explain the role of the Digestive System i.e. “What does the Digestive System do for the body?”
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

2. Explain (briefly) the function of the Digestive System i.e. “How does it work ?”

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________

3. Please complete the following chart with answer /description appropriate for each:

I need a Definition + General Function for the following.


How do these parts inter-relate?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________

From the list below, correctly name and write in chart, the part of the digestive system that belongs to the respective functions:

Word list:
Caecum colon oesophagus pancreas rectum small intestines stomach

Digestive organ Function

- Site of digestion and absorption of nutrients

- Stores food, produces acid and enzymes, mixes food.
- Carries food to the stomach

-Production of digestive enzymes, insulin and glucagons
-Fermentation of plant fibre

-Fermentation and water absorption

-Storage of faeces

Please place the following processes in the correct order:

Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation

__________________________________________________ _________________________

The stomach of the dog is divided into three parts, which from the entrance of the oesophagus are termed:
a. Cardia, fundus and pylorus
b. Fundus, cardia and pylorus
c. Fundus, pylorus and cardia
d. Pylorus, cardia and fundus

The pancreas produces the digestive juices which contain:
a. Glycogen, amylase, trypsin
b. Amylase, trypsin, lipase
c. Lipase, trypsin, glucogon
d. Insulin, lipase, trypsin

What major things could go wrong with this system?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________

06-11-2013, 11:30 PM
1. You should do your own assignments. We're all for helping on understanding material, but we're not homework drones.
This isn't hard material; it should all be in your textbook, or even copy/paste off a quick Google search.

2. I'm still intrigued though, so I'll try to answer some of the Qs. Forgot maybe 1/3rd of the stuff myself.
You ought to double check with a secondary source; it's been a few years since I took physiology and even longer since HS biology.

Hey, I need the following information for the digestive system :P

Digestive System Assignment

1. Explain the role of the Digestive System i.e. “What does the Digestive System do for the body?”

It intakes food and digests them, breaking down molecules into usable energy for the body's other functions/activities. It absorbs this energy and expels the remainder into waste, while detoxifying certain waste elements.

2. Explain (briefly) the function of the Digestive System i.e. “How does it work ?”

??? Detailed with organs? - idfr.
Food is taken by the mouth and transported down the esophagus (oesophagus in NZ?) into the stomach, where the solid food is broken down by HCl into a more organ-friendly form. There, it passes through the small and large intestines, where nutrients are leeched out of the food material and absorbed by the body. The remainder is waste which is stored in the rectum and expelled through anus.

(I forgot where the pancreas/liver falls into place)

3. Please complete the following chart with answer / description appropriate for each:

I need a Definition + General Function for the following.
Incisor - The front teeth, used for gripping and shearing food.
Canine - The pointed corner teeth, used for gripping food (and as puncture weapons in other animals)
Carnassial - Pointed molars, absent in humans, present in some carnivores. Used for shearing and grinding food.
Premolar - Small, flattened teeth behind the canines. Similar to the molars, transitional teeth between the gripping function of the canines, and grinding of molars.
Bile - Liquid produced by the liver to aid in breakdown of fats, makes shit brown.
Villi - Small, fine projections in the intestine that increase surface area for nutrient absorption. They absorb nutrients.
Liver - Used in metabolism of foods and drugs. Detoxifies the body of certain dietary wastes, produces compounds like bile to aid in digestion.
Chyme - The product of stomach digestion, before passing into the duodenum (and subsequent intestines)
Stomach - Primary storage of food after swallowing, breaks down solid food chunks into chyme for later digestion.

Rumen - Absent in humans, present in grazers (ruminants) like cows. Breaks down fibrous materials like grass/plant matter for continued digestion. Contains many bacteria and other microbes to achieve this effect.
Reticulum - Absent in humans, present in grazers. I don't remember the rest, so I Wiki'd it.
The fluid contents of the reticulum play a role in particle separation. This is true both in domestic and wild ruminants. The separation takes place through biphasic contractions. In the first contraction there is sending large particles back into the rumen while the reticulo-omasal orifice allows the passage of finer particles. In the second contraction the reticulum contracts completely so the empty reticulum can refill with contents from the rumen. These contents are then sorted in the next biphasic contraction.[3] The contractions occur in regular intervals. High density particles may settle into the honeycomb structures and can be found at slaughter. It is during the contractions of the reticulum that sharp objects can penetrate the wall and make their way to the heart. Some ruminants, such as goats, also have monophasic contractions in addition to the biphasic contractions.
Omasum - In grazers/ruminant animals. Absorbs water and fats that have been expelled by rumen fermentation
Abomasum - Breaks down food protein for further digestion and absorption in the small intestine.

How do these parts inter-relate?

The teeth break down food into more malleable chunks (bolus), with the aid of saliva. The stomach further refines these boluses of food into a paste called Chyme; the liver secrets bile to aid in digestion of tougher foods, like fatty foods. The villi absorb the broken down nutrients.

The other organs are exclusive to ruminants and compose of the ruminant stomach. They are extra, specialized chambers for finer digestion of fibrous/cellulose foods that other animals (like humans) cannot easily break down.

From the list below, correctly name and write in chart, the part of the digestive system that belongs to the respective functions:

Word list:
Caecum colon oesophagus pancreas rectum small intestines stomach

Digestive organ Function

Small Intestines - Site of digestion and absorption of nutrients
Stomach - Stores food, produces acid and enzymes, mixes food
Oesophagus - Carries food to the stomach
Pancreas - Production of digestive enzymes, insulin and glucagons
Caecum - Fermentation of plant fibre
Colon -Fermentation and water absorption
Rectum - Storage of faeces

Please place the following processes in the correct order:

Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation

Ingestion > Digestion > Absorption > Assimilation (lol, exact order as the question)

The stomach of the dog is divided into three parts, which from the entrance of the oesophagus are termed:
a. Cardia, fundus and pylorus
b. Fundus, cardia and pylorus
c. Fundus, pylorus and cardia
d. Pylorus, cardia and fundus

The pancreas produces the digestive juices which contain:
a. Glycogen, amylase, trypsin
b. Amylase, trypsin, lipase
c. Lipase, trypsin, glucogon
d. Insulin, lipase, trypsin

What major things could go wrong with this system?

A lot of things? What things? The digestive system as a whole? Stomach ulcers, fecal impaction, liver failure, etc. You name it.

06-12-2013, 02:55 AM
1. You should do your own assignments. We're all for helping on understanding material, but we're not homework drones.
This isn't hard material; it should all be in your textbook, or even copy/paste off a quick Google search.

2. I'm still intrigued though, so I'll try to answer some of the Qs. Forgot maybe 1/3rd of the stuff myself.
You ought to double check with a secondary source; it's been a few years since I took physiology and even longer since HS biology.
