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04-16-2013, 10:35 PM
1. What is one way World War II affected Western women?
(Points : 1)
Thousands of women were killed in combat.

Women were given important leadership roles in the military.

The war pushed women to question their role in society.

Many women became pilots.

2. Use the information in the box and your knowledge to answer the question that follows.

Who do you think said the following?

(Points : 1)
Sally Ride

Valentina Tereshkova

Golda Meir

Rachel Carson

3. How did the "second wave of feminism" affect society?
(Points : 1)
Women returned to raising children and caring for their homes.

Many women became important political leaders.

Many more women went to college or entered the workforce.

Many women became nurses.

4. What term described the idea that only women devoted solely to their husbands, children, and homes were feminine?
(Points : 1)
feminine mystique

equal rights

feminine majority

second sex

5. Who was the first woman to travel in space?
(Points : 1)
Sally Ride

Rosalind Franklin

Joy Adamson

Valentina Tereshkova

6. When did the world begin a steady movement toward widespread representative government?
(Points : 1)
after World War I

after the American and French revolutions

during the Roman Empire

after World War II

7. Why did Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have an easier time transitioning to democracy than the other republics of the former Soviet Union?
(Points : 1)
They had more natural resources and national wealth.

They were geographically closer to the West.

They had a tradition of democratic government.

They had the most educated political leaders.

8. How has the Chinese government responded to calls for freedom since the demonstration in Tiananmen Square?
(Points : 1)
It has allowed more economic freedom.

It has allowed much greater political freedom.

It has become much more repressive.

It has imposed more economic restrictions.

9. On which of the following continents do people experience the greatest political freedom?
(Points : 1)



South America

10. Why did some countries in Africa, such as Nigeria, have problems in their transitions from colonies to representative democracies in the 1960s and 70s?
(Points : 1)
Ethnic rivalries erupted and plunged countries into civil war.

Communist neighbors invaded and took over governments.

The price of oil plummeted and plunged countries into economic chaos.

The democratically elected governments were totally ineffective.

04-16-2013, 10:57 PM
1. The war pushed women to question their role in society.
2. You didn't copy the quote, but I imagine it's Rachel Carlson
3. Many more women went to college or entered the workforce.
4. Feminine mystique
5. Sally Ride
6. After World War II
7. They were geographically closer to the West.
8. It has allowed more economic freedom.
9. Europe
10. Ethnic rivalries erupted and plunged countries into civil war.

04-17-2013, 06:40 AM
For #1,

Didn't it give them factory jobs too?

04-18-2013, 12:13 AM
^ Yes but that wasnt one of the possibly answers so although its true it is irrelevant