View Full Version : Help me with my translation homework ? (+rep, will pay if necessary)

04-03-2013, 10:18 AM
Hi everyone! I need this to be done before 2pm so I need someone to do this FAST.
Will +rep and I can pay you if really necessary. :)

Basically, all you have to do is translate in English the following French newspaper article.
Must be as similar as possible. Thanks <3

Dallas -- Une bonne cuiller�e de sucre? Les Am�ricains consomment chaque jour 110 millilitres de sucre, l'�quivalent de 22 cuill�res � th�, et il est temps que cette quantit� soit consid�rablement r�duite, estime l'American Heart Association. La majeure partie de ce sucre ajout�, qui correspond � 355 calories et � l'�quivalent de deux canettes de boisson gazeuse et d'une barre de chocolat, provient de boissons gazeuses et de bonbons. Selon l'association am�ricaine, la plupart des femmes ne devraient pas avaler plus de 30 millilitres de sucre ajout�, l'�quivalent de six cuill�res � th� ou 100 calories, qu'il s'agisse d'�dulcorants et de sirops ajout�s aux aliments durant la production, la pr�paration ou lors des repas. De leur c�t�, la plupart des hommes ne devraient pas consommer plus de 45 millilitres de sucre ajout�, soit neuf cuill�res � th� ou 150 calories. Ces recommandations ne s'appliquent toutefois pas au sucre naturel pr�sent dans les fruits, les l�gumes ou les produits laitiers.

04-03-2013, 11:18 AM
Dallas - A spoonful of sugar? Americans consume 110 milliliters of sugar each day, the equivalent of 22 teaspoons, and it is time that this quantity is significantly reduced, says the American Heart Association. Much of this added sugar, which is 355 calories and the equivalent of two cans of soda and a bar of chocolate comes from soft drinks and candy. According to the American Association, most women should not eat more than 30 milliliters of added sugar, the equivalent of six teaspoons, or 100 calories, whether sweeteners and syrups added to foods during production, preparation or during meals. For their part, most men should consume no more than 45 milliliters of added sugar, or nine teaspoons or 150 calories. These recommendations do not apply, however, the natural sugar found in fruits, vegetables or dairy products.

:) katzes

04-03-2013, 12:41 PM
Thanks a bunch love. <3 + repped

---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------


Was it actually google translated? D: I just looked at it and it looks kinda the same. Just want to make sure the translation is pretty accurate for me to hand in my homework. :P

04-03-2013, 02:25 PM
Thanks a bunch love. <3 + repped

---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------


Was it actually google translated? D: I just looked at it and it looks kinda the same. Just want to make sure the translation is pretty accurate for me to hand in my homework. :P

No, I can assure you I did it myself to my best ability-- I took French I, II, and III AP in HS. :$

04-03-2013, 02:36 PM
Alright thank you :)