View Full Version : [VB6] Neopets Gormball Autoplayer

09-05-2012, 03:12 PM
My VERY first actual program. Not my best work, but it sorta works. If you can figure out why it stops APing randomly, more power to ya.

Private Sub cmdstart_Click()

Dim strwinNP As String
Dim strWinItem As String
Dim strLast As String
Dim strXCN0 As String
Dim strxplode As String
Dim strChar As String
Dim strRand As String
Dim strLastChar As String
Dim strLastMove As String

StopProgram = False
cmdstart.Enabled = False
cmdStop.Enabled = True
lblstatus.Caption = "Grabbing XCN"
strHTML = Wrapper1.GetWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
strXCN0 = GetStringBetween(strHTML, "type='hidden' name='xcn' value='", "'>")
lblstatus.Caption = "Grabbed XCN. Starting game."
MSToWait (Rand(txtwait1.Text, txtwait2.Text))
lblstatus.Caption = "Playing Gormball."
strHTML = Wrapper1.GetWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
MSToWait (Rand(txtwait1.Text, txtwait2.Text))
strRand = Rand(1, 9)
strHTML = Wrapper1.PostWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "xcn=" & strXCN0 & "&player_backed=" & strRand, "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
If strRand = 1 Then strChar = ("Thyassa")
If strRand = 2 Then strChar = ("Brian")
If strRand = 3 Then strChar = ("Gargarox")
If strRand = 4 Then strChar = ("Farvin III")
If strRand = 5 Then strChar = ("Ember")
If strRand = 6 Then strChar = ("Zargrold")
If strRand = 7 Then strChar = ("Ursula")
If strRand = 8 Then strChar = ("Kevin")
If Val(lblgamesplayed.Caption) >= Val(txtmaxgames.Text) Then StopProgram = True
strLastChar = (GetStringBetween(strHTML, "name='last_character' value='", "'><input type='submit"))
lbllastchar.Caption = (strLastChar)
lbllastmove.Caption = Val(lbllastmove.Caption) + 1
MSToWait (Rand(txtwait1.Text, txtwait2.Text))
If InStr(1, strHTML, "Your Move") Then
lbllastchar.Caption = ("You")
strHTML = Wrapper1.PostWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "type=moveon" & "&pagecount=" & lbllastmove.Caption & "&xcn=" & strXCN0 & "&turns_waited=1" & "&last_character=You", "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
strHTML = Wrapper1.PostWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "type=moveon" & "&pagecount=" & lbllastmove.Caption & "&xcn=" & strXCN0 & "&last_character=" & (strLastChar), "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
End If
If InStr(1, strHTML, "<br><b>Your Prize : ") Then
strwinNP = (GetStringBetween(strHTML, "(x4 = ", " points)</b><br>(you win that many Neopoints!)"))
strWinItem = (GetStringBetween(strHTML, "<br><b>Your Prize : ", "</b><p><img src='[Only registered and activated users can see links]"))
lststatus.AddItem ("Won the game! Gained " & (strwinNP) & "NP and " & (strWinItem))
strHTML = Wrapper1.GetWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
lblgamesplayed.Caption = Val(lblgamesplayed.Caption) + 1
lbllastmove.Caption = 0
MSToWait (Rand(txtwait1.Text, txtwait2.Text))
strRand = Rand(1, 9)
strHTML = Wrapper1.PostWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "xcn=" & strXCN0 & "&player_backed=" & strRand, "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
If strRand = 1 Then strChar = ("Thyassa")
If strRand = 2 Then strChar = ("Brian")
If strRand = 3 Then strChar = ("Gargarox")
If strRand = 4 Then strChar = ("Farvin III")
If strRand = 5 Then strChar = ("Ember")
If strRand = 6 Then strChar = ("Zargrold")
If strRand = 7 Then strChar = ("Ursula")
If strRand = 8 Then strChar = ("Kevin")
lblchar.Caption = (strChar)
End If
If InStr(1, strHTML, "The Gormball explodes") Then
strxplode = GetStringBetween(strHTML, "The Gormball Explodes on ", "!!!")
lststatus.AddItem ("The Gormball explodes on " & strxplode & "!!!")
End If
If InStr(1, strHTML, "Oh dear, you are out of the game") Then
strwinNP = GetStringBetween(strHTML, "game :( You scored <b>", "</b> points! (and gain")
lststatus.AddItem ("Lost the game and gained " & strwinNP & "NP")
lbllastmove.Caption = 0
lblgamesplayed.Caption = Val(lblgamesplayed.Caption) + 1
strHTML = Wrapper1.GetWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
MSToWait (Rand(txtwait1.Text, txtwait2.Text))
strRand = Rand(1, 9)
strHTML = Wrapper1.PostWrapper("[Only registered and activated users can see links]", "xcn=" & strXCN0 & "&player_backed=" & strRand, "[Only registered and activated users can see links]")
If strRand = 1 Then strChar = ("Thyassa")
If strRand = 2 Then strChar = ("Brian")
If strRand = 3 Then strChar = ("Gargarox")
If strRand = 4 Then strChar = ("Farvin III")
If strRand = 5 Then strChar = ("Ember")
If strRand = 6 Then strChar = ("Zargrold")
If strRand = 7 Then strChar = ("Ursula")
If strRand = 8 Then strChar = ("Kevin")
lblchar.Caption = (strChar)
End If
Loop Until StopProgram = True
End Sub

09-05-2012, 03:20 PM
I love this program to death. Until it stops randomly. I'm so glad you would put the code out so others could try fixing it.


09-06-2012, 09:29 AM
I would debug this, add to a textbox a unique message for each time you "stopTheProgram" or whatever is triggering it to stop.

09-07-2012, 10:06 AM
If InStr(1, strHTML, "Bored") Then

Use something more specific as the stopping trigger.

09-07-2012, 10:46 AM
If InStr(1, strHTML, "Bored") Then

Use something more specific as the stopping trigger.

I never even expected that to work. I didn't want to play Gormball until my pet was bored. You fix it if you want.

09-07-2012, 10:54 AM
Oh wow. No wonder it randomly stopped. Your pet randomly says stuff, and sometimes it will say something like "blabla bored". :P Nice one Zachafer.

09-07-2012, 11:46 AM
All makes sense now. Garbage in, garbage out.

---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 AM ----------

What's the proper way to check for a bored pet then?:S

---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------

Took that part out, still randomly stops. Maybe someone should just make a new one, shouldn't be that hard. I just don't have the time nowadays.

09-07-2012, 12:36 PM
You should learn how to debug your apps with breakpoints you would of found this bug easily.