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Thread: [Guide] Want To Get More Done In A Day?

  1. #1
    Swablu's Avatar
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    [Guide] Want To Get More Done In A Day?

    Don't we all want to get more done in a good days work? This could either be in your normal work day (if you're like me and you're an overachiever at your job) or even within your own personal life. (Who doesn't want to be like those picture perfect tiktokers with their 9 to 5's and then then 5 to 9's?) There is a common complaint that there just isn't enough time in the day to get everything done that you were hoping for. Sometimes, our daily to-do lists are either way too difficult, or they can just be way too overwhelming. Are you demanding too much of yourself, or do you feel that others are too demanding of you and you are too afraid to say no? (Me, all the time.)
    Perhaps, you might just need some new strategies to make both your work life, and/or personal life, a little more manageable. Because we all can't be like Beyonce and somehow have all these extra hours added into our days because we have people to do it for us. Even though that would be nice, no?

    You might have heard of something called SMART goals, and while they are worth knowing, some might say they are a bit incomplete and still leave some room for you to get overwhelmed. If one is able to identify a goal, or even an achievement, that one should be able to identify all the things that they need to do in order to get there. From there, breaking each of those tasks into smaller tasks in order to accomplish those tasks.

    The main thing here is not to fall into an analysis paralysis. Be sure to identify your milestones and what you need to accomplish in order to hit those milestones. Which of these sounds easier? "I want to start a billion dollar business" or, "I want to see x specific product?" One of these two options sounds way more manageable and potentially achievable than the other when it comes to the planning stages, and those milestones that you are going to want to hit. Having an easier goal allows you to enjoy all the little victories that will happen along the way.

    Now, managing goals and expectations is great and all, but you also need to be able to manage your time as well. Something that I would like to tell you a little bit more about is the Pomodoro Technique.

    Normally it's about 25 to 50 minutes of setting aside some dedicated time to do your work with short breaks in between in order to give your eyes, brain, and whatever else you need to get a break, a break. Sometimes though, you can end up going over that time when you're really on a roll or being super productive, and that's completely okay. But you need to remember that giving yourself short breaks can and will help reduce the mental strain you are putting on yourself and it will allow you to focus more and achieve better results.

    The Eisenhower matrix is a tool that helps categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance so you can prioritize them effectively.

    How do you know which tasks are more important than the others? This is where you begin to incorporate the Eisenhower matrix with the Pomodoro technique. What tasks are you easily able to eliminate based on what needs to get done? What tasks need to be done immediately vs what can you "delete" that isn't as important? What are you able to schedule a week or 2 out that yes, it might still be important, but its lower down on your priority list?
    I have used the Eisenhower matrix in many different ways in my life, between tackling a full time job, going back to school full time, maintaining housework, and even at one point planning a wedding. This has helped me learn to prioritize my tasks way better and being able to see what I need to do instead of having one giant list in front of me and not knowing where to start.

    Now that you have hopefully started achieving peak productivity, please remember to take care of yourself. Having a work/life balance is just as important as being the most successful person in the world. Remember that there is more to life than working yourself to the bone.
    Use this too to go and read some books, watch some good movies, play some video games, and practice all the self care in the world. Take breaks from your personal passion projects and set aside time for yourself (because yes, that is something that you can prioritize if life also gets way too overwhelming.)

    I hope this has helped you to find new ways to get more done in a day!

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Swablu For This Useful Post:

    abigolnerdarino (02-05-2024),Buizel (01-11-2024),caviar (01-11-2024),DarkSkies (01-12-2024),I_royalty_I (01-11-2024),j03 (03-03-2024),♥ Munna ♥ (02-06-2024),Peaches_and_Mocha (01-11-2024),Pidgey (01-11-2024),Slowpoke (01-11-2024),Zenitsu (01-11-2024)

  3. #2
    Peaches_and_Mocha's Avatar
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    Thank you for this! I definitely have a couple of important things to get done. the Eisenhower Matrix looks like a good way to break them down! I find going for a short 5-10 minute walk helps clear my head and helps me feel more focused for the next task

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Peaches_and_Mocha For This Useful Post:

    Swablu (01-11-2024)

  5. #3
    Swablu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches_and_Mocha View Post
    Thank you for this! I definitely have a couple of important things to get done. the Eisenhower Matrix looks like a good way to break them down! I find going for a short 5-10 minute walk helps clear my head and helps me feel more focused for the next task
    You're welcome! Once I learned about it and started practicing it more, it really helped me learn to prioritize my day to day and weekly tasks and things started looking way more manageable.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Swablu For This Useful Post:

    Peaches_and_Mocha (01-11-2024)

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