So I've been here for .. not so long, but I haven't made an introduction thread yet. Mainly because I never make introduction threads due to lack of creativity.

I didn't think I'd stick around for longer than a week, since on the other forums I've been I got either bored or banned. My previous record was about 8 days. :-)
But I'm planning on being a good girl here, so the only reason to leave would be out of boredom.
So I'm Irma! I think of myself as too old to play with pixelated animals, but I can't help it. I'm from the Netherlands, I assume all of you paid enough attention in class to know where that is. If not, it's the tiny little country squeezed in between France and Germany. I don't count Belgium because .. I just don't.
I dislike more things than like. I like old people, they're cute and wrinkly. I don't like little people, they make too much noise. I don't like snow, I hate snow, I hate how everybody gets all excited when it's snowing.
But I'm not all grumpyass mofo, just get to know me. (:

So nice to meet you kids!