So the past few weeks I have had multiple conversations with people about early-in-life experiences of the internet and how it shaped their relationships with it. It got me thinking of an essay I first read in a class I took about the history of the internet, but find myself coming back to about once every few months to a year or so. It's not directly relayed to the discussions I mentioned, but it does reflect a perspective when everybody was experiencing the internet for the first time (at any age).

It turns out I was not quite right about that. Today another frontier yawns before us, far more fog-obscured and inscrutable in its opportunities than the Yukon. It consists not of unmapped physical space in which to assert one's ambitious body, but unmappable, infinitely expansible cerebral space. Cyberspace. And we are all going there whether we want to or not.
Jack In, Young Pioneer! John Perry Barlow

At the risk of turning this into a homework assignment I'm not gonna like...give you discussion questions or come in with something to share with the class. Just wanted to share the essay and welcome y'all to shoot the shit on it.

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