I'm taking a beginner level Chem (139)

Typing up some notes for what I've taken in class.

If anyone is interested in these I will for sure send them to you!
=] I know that for some people Chemistry can be difficult and I'm liking to think my notes are pretty great.

Because it's Chemistry 139 - it is just a general prep class..
But sometime the refresher can help as well.

As of now once I get done typing I will have the following..

(To be updated for future notes)
1. Types of Chemistry
2. Scientific method
3. Numbers from measurements - (precision, accuracy, uncertainty as well as SigFigs)
4. Significant/Non-Significant Zeros
5. Scientific Rounding
6. Significant Figures in mathematical operations
7. Powers of 10
8. Unit systems + dimensional analysis
9. Conversion factors

That's it for now..
These are notes I've taken and I try to be through with what we learn. It will take me a bit to get them all typed up and stuff. Also I will put example problems in them as well for practice.. (that's how I learn.)

Note* I still need to work on the power or 10 notes.