IMPORTANT: I totally DO NOT MEAN child marriages. Everyone here is 18 at this point. I'm talking about like 18-21.

How do you guys feel about young marriages, like literally out of high school or in college? I know some people don't feel that it'll last but others think high school sweethearts will stay together forever. Some young couples do it for the government benefits of being a poor college couple, and some are just impulsive and don't know what they want. I want to know everyone else's opinion and maybe some stories and share a story I'm currently WTFing at right now.

Even though I completely detached myself from my high school my senior year, I still used Facebook to keep up to date on people I know and general high school drama. Graduation was officially May 23rd, and now we are officially high schol graduates. Since then, two couples have gotten engaged, and one got married (tiny wedding before he ships off in the navy or something).
I'm just like ????????
I've known these people since elementary school pretty much, and one of them basically my whole life. Navy couple girl is totally impulsive, and goes after everything that isn't hers. She spent much of her high school career scooping up ex boyfriends of her friends and then wondering why she lost a friend - her husband is one of those conquests. I'm pretty sure that marriage is doomed for divorce - but who knows, they're both terrible people, they might be perfect.
The other couple I kinda understand, as he's from a Muslim family (though they aren't super religious and controlling) and she has a lot of family issues. They're both great people, and were my best friends at points, but for reasons we just kinda stopped talking. I think they'll actually stay together, they're fantastic for each other and I support them wholeheartedly.

It just feels surreal to me that these people are getting married and we literally just graduated high school. They haven't even been together that long, and it kinda makes me feel weird, too. I've been with my boyfriend for 3+ yrs, and we live together now, but aren't married, and these people that have been together less than a year are marrying off and being adults.
{I know I've been in college the past year but please don't make me adult yet I'm not ready D:}