For the past few days I've been writing a MSAB, and it's nearly done. (OCR, formatting haggle, getting to haggle page, all done.) But when I try to actually send the POST data on the haggle page, it just stays on the haggle page. An example of my code:

page = "" + str(X) + "&y=" + str(Y) + "&current_offer=" + str(price)
link = ""
req = urllib2.Request(page)
req.add_header('Referer', link)
buying =
print buying
The first link is just OCR and the price. The variable "link" is where I think I'm doing something wrong. (Setting the referrer) Note that link is scraped from the mainshop page when the item restocks, and it isn't always that. The resulting page source ("buying") doesn't even say that I failed to click the pet correctly, or that my haggle was rejected, it is equivalent to a refresh of the page.