Hi folks, I realized I have been a part of CK for a little while now. Actually, as soon as I joined CK, I went straight to the Neopets Trades and started splurging my sweet wallet.
So! Hi! My name is Kafka (not literally), but it's a nickname I earned during college because I always carried a copy of "Kafka On The Shore" by Murakami on campus. It took me forever to read- I was a Spanish literature major so you can only imagine all the material on top of that!

Some of my favorite folks here are Foxglove and Bettser (Hi! If you see this haha!)
I currently reside in the Tri-state area, pursuing Grad school, yikes!
What else? I am really into funky hair colors, silver being the longest color I have committed to. Unfortunately I will be going back to natural due to a teaching opportunity I will be pursuing in Barcelona!

Neopets has been a fixation of mine since I was nine, and I haven't let go of it since. I honestly didn't know a Neopets market was a thing until just recently, but I haven't looked back since. IloveNC

I feel like this is overwhelmingly long now, so yeah, happy to be here, and I'll try to be less shy @-@