I am helping my buddy get silver since he gave up, and Ive played roughly 30 games. I have won my last 14 in a row, 10 of which were as Ezreal giving me a 10/0/0 rating with KD of 13/3/9 average. I played this one duo two games ago of an Alistar and Vanye, and I ended the game at 19/4/10. I then joined queue again and noticed I was facing the same duo but as Draven and Leona this time. They immediately started saying "GG, ez smurf, gg" and stuff like that. Someone on the other team claims he is a moderator on the forums and was going to tape our game as part of their "elimination of smurfs and boosting". I went 17/3/9 this game and received my promotion. Should my friend be worried or?