1. Many Jewish immigrants settled in New York City, while most Chinese settled in California, and Scandinavians settled in the Midwest. What is one reason for these patterns of settlement?
(Points : 3)
Immigrants wanted to break new ground and establish new settlements.

Immigrants wanted to be with others from their native country.

Immigrants wanted to be in the closest location to their native country.

Immigrants faced restrictions on which regions were open to them.

2. The first wave of immigrants to the United States was largely from northern and central Europe. Where did most of the second wave of immigrants come from?
(Points : 3)
Asia and Latin America

southern Europe and South Asia

South America and eastern Europe

southern and eastern Europe

3. Why was immigration through Angel Island more difficult than immigration through Ellis Island?
(Points : 3)
Angel Island was farther from the mainland so it was harder to find workers to process immigrants.

Asians immigrated through Angel Island and there was more prejudice against them.

Ellis Island received more funding and could operate more efficiently.

Angel Island was smaller and not as well-equipped.

4. What was the goal of many nativists with respect to immigration?
(Points : 3)
They wanted immigrants barred from the United States.

They felt there should be a large entry tax for immigrants.

They wanted to have immigrants contained in selected locations.

They believed that immigrants should pass citizenship requirements before entering the United States.

5. What happened to the population of cities in the period between the Civil War and the 1920s?
(Points : 3)
It fluctuated, declining at first and then growing.

It remained about the same.

It declined due to disease.

It grew because of job opportunities.

6. Where did most immigrants choose to live when they entered the United States in the late 1800s or early 1900s?
(Points : 3)
on farms

in cities

in the suburbs

in the West

7. Which had the greatest effect on the growth of cities and the expansion of cities to suburbs?
(Points : 3)
political changes

leadership from mayors

action by the federal government

transportation innovations

8. Amusements that became popular in the growing cities of the late 1800s included baseball, movies, and __________.
(Points : 3)
wind surfing

dance halls

bicycle races


9. As American cities grew, they became more stratified. What does this mean?
(Points : 3)
Cities tripled in size by annexing neighboring communities.

Cities confronted rising rates of crime.

Cities were separated by categories such as class, race, and ethnicity.

More city dwellers began to live farther from their places of work.

10. How did Louis Sullivan and William Jenney change the face of American cities in the late 1800s?
(Points : 3)
They invented the electrical connections that operated streetcars.

They opened some of the first settlement houses.

They designed and built some of the early skyscrapers.

They built the Coney Island amusement parks that drew thousands.

11. What was Frederick Law Olmstead's contribution to New York City?
(Points : 3)
designing Central Park

building the Empire State Building

building the first baseball stadium

developing Coney Island

12. What was the significance of Daniel Burnham's Plan of Chicago?
(Points : 3)
This contest-winning design opened Chicago streets to new forms of transportation.

This urban planning effort was a model for the orderly growth of a city.

It became the model for the Chicago income and property tax program.

He used this plan to avoid prosecution for the Chicago fire.

13. Which was a corrupt political machine of the late 1800s?
(Points : 3)
Tweed's Boys

Tammany Hall

The Rough Riders

The Jungle

14. How was Jane Addams a leader in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
(Points : 3)
She was the first woman elected to serve in the Senate.

She designed some of the first skyscrapers.

She started Hull House, which became a model for other reformers.

She implemented the Social Gospel by founding the Salvation Army.

15. What was one of the goals of the settlement house movement?
(Points : 3)
to provide housing for day-laborers

to assist the urban poor

to help people buy property

to create a setting for people to negotiate disputes

16. Which goal of the Populist Party led to its early popularity?
(Points : 3)
system of national banks

coinage of silver

political power for the upper class

laissez-faire government

17. How do historians generally view populism?
(Points : 3)
as a driving force in the late nineteenth century

as a failed movement that set the stage for some reforms

as the movement that saved the farmers

as the party that laid the groundwork for the election of Theodore Roosevelt

18. What was the relationship between the Populist Party and William Jennings Bryan?
(Points : 3)
Populists supported Bryan in his failed presidential race.

Populists campaigned against Bryan because he opposed their reforms.

Bryan had little influence on the party.

Bryan brought Populists into the Republican Party.

19. What was a progressive goal of the Salvation Army?
(Points : 3)
to provide food and shelter for the slum-dwelling poor

to recruit followers to join their militia

to create a military of believers only

to get donations that would promote conservation

20. Which was one of the goals for some advocates of the progressive movement?
(Points : 3)
establishment of a national bank

laissez-faire economy



21. What name was given to the group of investigative journalists who uncovered corruption in business and government in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
(Points : 3)




22. What are Upton Sinclair and Lincoln Steffens known for doing?
(Points : 3)
serving as mayors of Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia

founding progressive organizations in the late 1800s

exposing corruption in business or government

forming alliances that helped farmers with their credit problems

23. What did Ida M. Tarbell's investigations reveal?
(Points : 3)
John D. Rockefeller's corrupt practices at Standard Oil

violations in the meatpacking industry

corruption in city governments

brutal working conditions in mines and on railroads

24. Which was one reform of the progressive movement?
(Points : 3)
elimination of recall elections

conservation zones within cities

election of mayors instead of hiring city managers

direct election of U.S. senators

25. Which proposal would Theodore Roosevelt and his "New Nationalism" oppose?
(Points : 3)
inheritance and income taxes

conservation and national parks

less restriction on corporations

workers' compensation laws

26. Which president advocated a "New Freedom" agenda that included a graduated income tax?
(Points : 3)
William McKinley

Woodrow Wilson

Theodore Roosevelt

William Howard Taft

27. What was Theodore Roosevelt's political party affiliation?
(Points : 3)
Progressive and Whig

Free Soil


Republican and Progressive

28. What was the "Wisconsin Way"?
(Points : 3)
progressive reform to establish ethical government on a state level

a movement toward religious salvation that involved performing good works

business practices that earned excellent returns without corruption

a successful professional sports movement at the end of the nineteenth century

29. Who helped immigrants and others cope with the challenges of life in the city while also lining their own pockets with bribes? (Points : 3)
the Democratic Party
the Republican Party
the Grange
political machines

30. Who used the new technology of flash photography to expose the poverty and misery of Manhattan tenements in the Gilded Age?
(Points : 3)
Upton Sinclair

Ida Tarbell

Jacob Riis

Jane Addams

31. Which of the following is one of the positions supported by social Darwinism?
(Points : 3)
Government should not support programs designed to promote social or economic equality.

Government should regulate big businesses.

Competition for wealth is bad for the economy and should be made illegal.

Government should take any action necessary to alleviate poverty.

32. Which of the following is true of the Social Gospel movement?
(Points : 3)
Leaders argued that Christians need to engage in community service.

Leaders argued for a completely laissez-faire economic and social policy.

Leaders argued that the poor were lazy or morally inferior.

Leaders opposed any attempt to change the natural laws of social development.