seriously. fuck you chemistry. and everything you stand for.

i get no fucking sleep anymore. i wake up every monday, wednesday, and friday at 6:30am, to catch the bus by 7:30am to be at class by 9am, and i wake up every tuesday and thursday at 5:30am to catch the bus by 6:30am. and then i fucking work RIGHT after class three days a week and i'm fucking exhausted and cranky and have no time to do anything and chemistry seriously has me in tears.

and on the weekends i get no sleep either because i work saturday mornings and then all day sunday, and when i'm not doing either i'm trying to study but nothing sticks because i am soo tired and i can't focus.

i'm afraid to tell my manager that i can't come into work on the days i'm scheduled and have dogs booked cuz i need to see a tutor, because they get pissed, and i'm majoring in organismal (NOT ORGASMAL @(you need an account to see links)) and this semester i'm taking biology, chemistry, calculus, and western civ, and it's a bad day when i understand calculus more than chemistry.

my teacher doesn't teach; he talks. he fucking reads the powerpoints word for word in a gigantic lecture hall and i'm not the type of person that can just sit there and read 4 fucking chapters and understand for myself.

i'm paying to be taught, not to teach myself.

and my boyfriend is fucking annoying and is like, "omg y r u grumpy??" and i tell him i'm tired and he's like, "omg i've been working 6-2's, i'm tired too!!" and i'm just like, "WOOPTY-FUCKING-DOO. you work 7 hours and then go home and sit on your ass and do nothing. i don't wanna hear it!" and he has no sympathy for me being tired/cranky and expects me to shake all of this stress off and RARGhasdfkajsdf and if he's not grumpy from WAHH WAKING UP TO WORK wAHHH, then i shouldn't be either.

i have my first chem test on thursday and i have no idea what the fuck is on it.

if i don't reply it's because i ended up killing myself.
ok ty for reading bye.

this >>>>>>