Anonymous asked:
Hello Mallory, someone from clraikdotcom has posted your account for sale. They have your neopets account pw, email, and DoB. You should log in and secure everything ASAP :c

so ya, um. changed password, changed e-mail for the account, changed the password on my current e-mail AFTER SECURING IT. I wish I could change my birthday, but thank you for being a dick and probably the reason I could not check my e-mail a few days ago from the computer and had to resecure my e-mail by giving them my phone number. The fact I need to secure my personal e-mail because of is annoying. I no longer play the site and the fact it still affects my daily life(because it was my personal e-mail I didn't have access too on nothing rather than my phone) is a rather piss-off.

Whoever you are selling my account: STOP