It's impossible to trade anything, not my UCs, not my converteds if they have one fucking underscore or number in their names. Srsly why is the name of the pets so important. I get rejected in every boards just because they're not so sure about the name. Even I'm over offering. Fuck all ppl who overvalue their pets.
Your UC sponge grundo is not the best named there and your UC sponge grundo is not worth a UC faerie lenny.

So I make a UFVVVVVVQT board and all I got, were super underoffers. I get offers like purple hissi on my UC faerie. They asked me to acc just because their fuckin daughter wants one. Like I care.

Andddd the purge boards. Why are they still making them while the purge is over already? I'm getting so fustrated on neopets that I sometimes just want to pound all of my UFTs and troll on every board until I'm iced.