I've had my account now for about a month and a half I believe and enjoyed complete silence from anyone. However, in the past two days, I have received two neofriend requests. The first one I freaked out internally about and added so that way I could pretend to be all friendly and shit and figure out what the fuck they wanted. Wasn't sure if it was one of my few trusted friends here trolling me or what not since the account that added me looked like a shell.

I was dumb. I neomailed them asking if I knew them, why they added me, etc. Once it was apparent it was not one of my friends here, I did the whole play nice and dumb shit. They didn't accuse me of anything or even hint that I was a cheater and it's been alright so far. My account's gender is female, so I'm using the old fifty smileys and repeated letters trick to seem...girly... So whatever, I'm cool now. This guy added me because he saw me on a HST earlier this month and liked my lookup. Great. No problem.

Today I get another random request....

I'm getting annoyed. I play neopets for me, not to make friends. How do you deal with random neopets requests on legit and illegit accounts?

And... Is this girly enough?

OMGGG!!! I'm sooooo sorrry I fell asleep last night right after I ate!!!
-_- Fuck my life...