        public void feeder()

            while (kadstart == true)

                //Start Get kad info. Remove ignore items
                lblkadstat.Text = "Refreshing...";
                strhtml = g("");
                if(strhtml.Contains("href=\"/login/index.phtml\">Sign up</a>")){
              strhtml = strhtml = p("", "destination=%252Findex.phtml&username=" + neou.Text + "&password=" + neop.Text, "");
              strhtml = w.ResponseBody; 
                    strhtml = w.ResponseBody;
                if (strhtml.Contains("is very sad."))
                gba(strhtml, "is very sad.", "/strong>", lsttemp);
                    for (int b = lstignore.Items.Count - 1; b >= 0; --b)
                    string removelistitem = lstignore.Items[b].ToString();

                    for (int i = lsttemp.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        if (lsttemp.Items[i].ToString().Contains(removelistitem))
                            if (lsttemp.Items.Count > i) { 

                for (int i = lsttemp.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    lstitems.Items.Add(ExtractString(lsttemp.Items[i].ToString() + "meep", "<strong>", "<meep"));

                    lstids.Items.Add(ExtractString(lsttemp.Items[i].ToString(), "kad_id=", "\"><img"));


                //End get kad info.

                //Start Buy item

                if (lstids.Items.Count > 0) {
                    lblkadstat.Text = "Found kad. Buying item";
                buyitem = randomnum(0, lstitems.Items.Count - 1);
                strhtml = strhtml = p("", "type=process_wizard&feedset=0&shopwizard=" + lstitems.Items[buyitem].ToString() + "&table=shop&criteria=exact&min_price=0&max_price=" + txtspend.Text, "");
                strhtml = w.ResponseBody;
                if (!strhtml.Contains("I did not find anything.  :(  Please try again and I will search elsewhere!"))
                    strtemp = ExtractString(strhtml, "bgcolor=\"#F6F6F6\"><a href=\"", "\"><b>");
                    strhtml = g("" + strtemp);
                    strhtml = w.ResponseBody;

                    strhtml = g("" + ExtractString(strhtml, "buy_item.phtml?", "\" onClick="), "" + strtemp);
                    strhtml = w.ResponseBody;
                    strhtml = g("" + lstids.Items[buyitem].ToString(), "");
                    strhtml = w.ResponseBody;
                    //End Buy item

                    //Feed kad
                    if (strhtml.Contains("a very happy Kadoatie"))
                        lstlog.Items.Add("Fed kad " + lstitems.Items[buyitem].ToString());
                        lstlog.Items.Add("Waiting " +txtpause.Text + " minutes");
                        Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(txtpause.Text) * 60000);



                    lstlog.Items.Add("Added " + lstitems.Items[buyitem].ToString() + "  to ignore list");

                lblkadstat.Text = "Pausing...";
                Thread.Sleep(randomnum(Convert.ToInt32(txtmin.Text) * 1000, Convert.ToInt32(txtmax.Text) * 1000));
