I'm obviously not going to ask you guys for a password, but I've been using the same password now for about 6ish years. It's 10-digits and a series of numbers, one letter, and one special character. It's programmed into my body at this point. I can make the finger motions for it without thinking. But too many people have been made aware of it, ex-lovers, etc. So in addition to working on some videos for CK, a Cheat Engine guide, grocery shopping, and doing laundry this weekend, I need to also come up with a new password and change probably close to 50 accounts accross various sites and remember it well enough to login manually from work since we cannot get firefox or chrome here to sync the passwords across. :'(

WTF TO DO!?!? This was a password that was created by my dad for a forum he had started back in the days when cracking Yahoo ID's was relevant. I liked the way it flowed off the fingers so well that I took it and made it my own with the last two digits. Now I'm just like, I don't know how the fack to make a new password that will come so naturally. :'(