I have a business partner/friend that I was working with for a long time. His part was to take care of the website part of things before we launched, so he registered the domain name. Two months ago, he disappeared, just like that. No goodbye, no email, no text, no nothing. His other friends haven't seen him, his facebook has been empty, and doesn't respond to any other method of communication. He has been known to be flakey/irresponsible in the past, so it was a bad decision to work with him in the first place. Honestly though, I don't know if he's being irresponsible now or if he's died somehow. He does crazy stuff a lot, too. I've decided I'm going ahead and doing it myself, but I need the domain name. I can't think of any way to get the domain name back, so I've decided I want to just hack his godaddy ad move the domain myself. Does anyone have any idea on how to do this?

Thank you very much.