Me and my boyfriend just got into a huge fight, which is very rare so it's pretty upsetting to me.

We have two extra passes to go to Six Flags this Sunday, and I wanted to invite my friends Greg and Amanda (another couple, so I thought it'd be fun.) Well, Greg works Sunday, so that was out.

Well then Ben wanted to invite two friends of his: Tyler and Becky. I'm okay with Tyler but I've told Ben time and time again I dislike Becky.

He asks me /every/ time why I don't like her, and it's because we've been friends on Facebook twice, and both times she's unfriended me for being "annoying," as well as she's just super awkward around me. She was also one of Ben's first crushes, which makes me kind of uncomfortable also.

Anyways, our fight was that I should just go and get along with her for his sake. I think this is kinda ridiculous.

I mean, this girl has never been friendly towards me. Why should I be subjected to her company with absolutely no way out of the situation? I wouldn't care if we were hanging out at his house and she was there too, because I mean, at least I could leave at will if I felt the need to.

I'm not friends with any of Ben's friends, really. This is really weird for me because every single one of my past boyfriends have been from my immediate friends group (high school) and so I'm used to like, enjoying the company and never having to worry.

Now I have to deal with these people I wasn't really fond of in high school (we ran in different circles), who really are obnoxiously annoying. He even admits this, but I'm still being forced to hang with his friends. He knows Becky is my least favorite and he still invited her even though I didn't want her to go.

I don't bar him from hanging with his friends when I'm not around, and I don't force him to hang with mine either (though admittedly, most of 4 friends are all off at college so it's not even an option.)

My question:

Am I being completely unreasonable, or is this normal?

If you think I'm being stupid or just a bitch, explain to me what I can do to try and be friends with this girl?

And is he being unreasonable to make me hang with them?