Hi everyone! I'm new to the community. my best friend was a hacker, but was recently frozen and quit. At any rate, I'm looking on advice to prevent getting hacked/frozen. I don't cheat, so that's not the kind of advice i'm looking for. Rather, I'm wondering if there are any precautionary measures i can take to secure my account. my password is already long, includes upper and lower alpha and numeric characters, and is unique to neopets. My email account is fully secured with secondary verification. I have a PIN for everything. What else can I do to make my account secure? I saw that some of the people on these forums can directly hack accounts; how is that possible?

You guys seem pretty cool compared to the neoboard/reddit/sythe/d2jsp community. The former two are way too fucking anal retentive and prudish, and the latter two don't really exist out of business transactions. I look forward to making friends here.

Forgive the typos; I'm on my iPhone