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Thread: Trading on the PC with your illegit pet.

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    simmie's Avatar
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    Trading on the PC with your illegit pet.

    Trading on the PC with your illegit pet
    Co-Written with Mint

    It seems a number of people these days are buying uc’s. Some to keep, some to trade... in the process though, more and more people seem to get frozen for 2 reasons: Nosy PC’ers, and carelessness. The only reason you’re probably even dragging yourself to the pound chat is to trade off your illegit uc for a legit one, or looking for an uptrade, so you can boost profits. Trading on the PC is not a walk in the park, even for someone who is 100% legit. It takes time, skill and most of all luck. This guide is a sequel to ‘blending into the PC’, which would be more of a ‘how to trade without people reporting you’ kind of thing.

    Part One: Before you do ANYTHING.

    • Oh my gosh, please, PLEASE make your pets cache before making a board. PC’ers are extremely nosy, and this is almost like a background check for them. For those who DON’T know how to find the cache on a pet, it’s simple: copy and paste the ULR of the pet into the Google search bar, like this:
    If nothing shows up period, this means your pet has not cached at all. If you get a screen like this, it means your pet has A CACHE. It might not be updated though, so this is your job to make it update.

    Ways to make a pet's cache update are:
    -Updating the pet lookup with a premade
    -Making a pet description such as 'I love my pet!' and adding on even 1 letter every day.
    -CAREFULLY posting random comments on the PC such as 'GL! ' and voting for random art.

    I got my pet to cache in a week by doing this, but some pets do take longer.
    Now, the top is a little cut off, but it says: “This is Google’s cache of the Neopet, Sam at 23rd Feb 2013”. This means that Google spiders basically went around, and took screenshots of Sam’s lookup. The owner here is evilgrin. The owner is essentially inactive. Imagine if Sam was taken off the account. It’s a rn, so a lot of people tend to creep on these pets. This also applies to many high-end uc’s, if people find the name. if the non-cached lookup randomly was on the user ‘neopets_account’, and the owner was inactive for over a year, would you be suspicious? I would. So, an updated cache is your friend.

    • Get your story straight. Even if the pet does cache and update, this may not stop people from asking you: “Where did you get ___?” Now, of course it’s none of their business, but since you’re trying to trade, pretend to be polite, and give a believable story, such as this one:
    • This should be believable, but remember to make up your own story, and stick with it! Telling 2 stories to 2 different people will look weird. Try to type out your fake story on a word doc, and C+P into a neomail to the person asking. Being polite also helps, and will look better on your behalf.

    • Make the trading pet look presentable. Half-finished shells won’t do you any justice here. We all know this will be a UC,RN/RW or a BD pet being traded off, and only rich/successful players have the means to trade for these pets. Make some lame, 1 paragraph character for the pet, or if a BD pet, make a list of when ___ hit 100 evens,200 evens,etc. Also, customize the pet a bit. Add a background and a little trinket to the pet, or if a BD, RW/RN, put on some cheap species-specific wearables (Buzz, Ruki, Chia, Koi & Skeith are some). You can even go as far to a matching avs/font for the pet. You have to act like this is a prized possession, which includes looking the part.

    Part 2: Ways to get offers
    • Make your own board, with a nice looking title. Remember in blending into the PC, how a flashy title actually blends in? People like to go to pretty title, with UC owners noticing them more. Just remember to be specific in what you’re seeking, as PC finds no specifications= excuse to make BS offers.

    • Post on UC trading boards. People there are constantly bumping and reading the board, leading to free attention for your pet. Please read the first post though, as people generally dislike you re-posting your pet.

    • Avoid posting on PetTP. Your pet will immediately get a cache, but it will be there for a long, long time. Sometimes, if the pet is high-end or wanted, PetTP has a facebook account and will make status updates about the pet, in case people wanted to keep a low profile when trading.

    • Certain titles will get you more attention! Use some cute smilies in the title. Try to make a casual title, which can lead to a *polite* debate, or a conversation. Here are some examples:
    -Character chat
    -I got accepted into ___!
    -Or make a funny title, Like this one:

    Practice your fake story, to go along with your fake board. People will be bumping constantly with replies if you’re successful. If that’s not good enough, more attention=more offers!

    Part 3: Trading successfully
    • Have a clear goal in mind! Trading pets can get complicated, even for a seasoned PC’er. There are many people looking for an uptrade. You may have read the stories of someone starting out with their uncommon rw blue ixi, and in the end having a vwn uc rg kyrii. Nuh-Uh. These people took about 2 years to get where they are now, and even then it took a lot of luck. Try to aim for slight, wn under offers, such as uc faeries, grey’s and Dari’s. they are both easy to get rid of, either by re-trading or selling. Also, being specific helps, as PC'ers think they can make BS offers if you're not seeking something specific.

    • Don’t stress too much. Devoting all your time to trading will make you feel frustrated, and lash out at others. Again, PC’ers prefer to deal with polite people. Don’t worry. Almost every single uc has demand, and you will get an offer.

    • Avoid 3-way trades. They usually end up in disaster. Yes, in concept they sound okay. Then someone goes “Can I think about it for 2 days?” and then someone always falls through, and you’ve wasted about a week waiting on these strangers. Stick to one on one trades, so communication won’t get messed up. Also, if a 3-way trade does go through, you end up getting more attention to you and the account, due to people making witness boards.

    • Try to avoid people considering your pet. It’s alright if it’s from a reputable PC’er, but some people do have a reputation for backing out, so try to avoid trading with them. Most people who consider never mail back anyway.

    • Know the values. ~lightspark and ~tried are two amazing, updated guides on the trading value of UC’s. for those looking to trade RW/RN pets, ~espresso is the only guide out there that is devoted to this type of trading, and ~Aid is for people looking to trade BD pets. This is useful for PC’ers who *legitimately* don’t know they made a bad offer, or to show people you know what you’re doing. Posting one of these guides in the first few posts is useful, especially if you have a rarer pet uft.

    • OTB boards can be useful, if you take advice from the right people. When making an OTB board, say that you will mail people asking for advice, so you can weed out who knows the values. Also, only give out name formats of the pet you may trade for. What’s stopping the person on offering on the UC Grey ixi if they also want it? People have been known to ‘steal’ trades from others, so be careful if you end up doing it.

    *Note: If you’re looking to trade your BD pet, don’t go on the BD chat, unless you’re a regular/want to be humiliated. Just don’t.
    Thanks @(you need an account to see links) <3
    You’re most likely not looking to make a significant downtrade (vwn uc faerie ptrei, to a dn uc baby kourga), and the values will give you some better knowledge. I admit, choosing an offer is tough: BN UC RB kourga, or WN UC faerie tusk? Most of the time, seek out WN offers. PC’ers are getting extremely name picky, even with UC’s. I only advise you to take DN-BN offers when it’s a clear, obvious over offer, and you know the pet can be re-traded for something nicer (For example: your WN uc rg Kourga, for a DN uc faerie draik.) ~Bugranger tells you the most recent trades, for other people with the same UC as you.

    Part 4: Selling/Trading your illegit UC

    Well, we had to get here sometime. I notice that some people are getting frozen for finding out they had bought UC’s and trying to trade them on the PC. There are certain precautions both the seller and buyer need to do.
    If you are TRADING your bought UC
    • Make sure that you wait a bit after the selling thread is over before selling (If applicable). It’s not that hard to type into Google “WN UC darigan lupe for sale.” And if they see a recent thread of one up for sale, they will use it against you, and the PC will be mass-reporting you and refuse to trade. Not saying that it would be the thread or even the site you bought the pet off, but PC’ers like to jump to conclusions. Ask the seller to edit the title+post, so that nobody can see what was bought. This mainly applies to high-end UC’s, or UC’s that have been for sale for a long time.

    • Try to keep the UC on the account you bought on, if the pet is inactive and comes with said account. If the account has no identifying details (For example, typing in the username, and inactive side accounts show up) If nothing shows up, it’s best to spruce up the account a bit, let the pet cache and then advertise on the PC from there. If something fishy does show up when digging up the cache, transfer the pet off to a semi-main, and from there let the pet cache and trade off slowly.

    • Do not attempt to trade off active uc’s, until properly secured on the PC. People are really adamant on uc’s, and if word gets out that “____ is a scammed pet!” Nobody will trade with you, and you’ll be out of some money. Avoid trading off active PC’er/AC/BD/NCC pets period, as those are the most active boards, and word will get out in one way or another. If the pet is active, but not board active, this will be a bit easier for you to trade off, but you’d need to wait a long time before trading.

    In this example, someone hacked a 'popular' (if you can even call it that) PC'er, and all the other PC'ers are so proud and whatnot. Just don't mess with active PC'ers/BD/NCC/AC, because people will find out.

    If you are SELLING the pet you traded on the PC
    • Wait a while before selling the actual pet. If you sell your uc grey kourga, and you’ve been making boards seeking a uc grey kourga (assuming you are the only one at the time), people will piece 2 and 2 together, and you will get frozen.

    • Make sure you keep your selling thread vague. Giving out too much information can lead to people (and lurkers) tracking down your pet, and essentially either getting you, or an innocent person frozen. Instead of saying “SELLING UC GREY TONU” Try saying ‘selling mid-high tier uc grey’ and give 3 uc’s. When giving name format, say “V/WN”, and only give out format via PM if needed. This is to make the pet harder to track down. While it may be disheartening to attract buyers that are not interested in the exact species, there’s no need to respond if you don’t trust them.

    • Make sure to only choose one! Do not sell your pet actively, and trade it on the PC at the same time. This will lead to the buyer of the pet getting frozen, and it has happened before.

    A NOTE ON SELLING TRADED UCs: while you can almost guarantee that more or less the pet you traded for is legitimate, selling PC-Pets can almost guarantee that the pet is ACTIVE, meaning it is seen and recognized. Most of the time, you can only have one of either type of UC- inactive and illegit (acquired through unregs, hash lists, etc), or active and legit. Active pets need to take a bit of time to secure and even then you have a bit more chance of someone inquiring about the origins of the pet, or recognizing it from somewhere.

    -For example, I bought an UC off of cK. It was slightly active- the seller had the pet on their main and had it as their active sometimes. A little while after I secured it, someone mailed me offering their UC: they remembered the pet as their lucky pound catch from almost over a year ago, and offered out of sentimental reasons. The cache hadn't updated BUT THE CACHE SHOWED TO A REPUTABLE MAIN, DEFUSING SUSPICION. If you absolutely don't want to wait for the cache, spruce up the account the UC was last on. There is a guide to playing the illusion of a PC’er account, the prequel to this one.

    Stories that people commonly use
    Lurking around the PC, I find that many people try to make up stories for how the pet got on their account. Some are believable, and people shrug them off, and some people have stories as if their reading Harry Potter to a bunch of 5th Graders. You're actually trying to AVOID elaborate stories. Make them simple, but not too simple. Here are some examples of stories people used to get their pets on their account.

    GOOD examples
    Example 1: "My friend was basically quitting Neopets, so she let me have ___"
    Note on if you plan to do this story: If you got the pet off a shell, make the shell look SIMILAR to you (You are friends after all), but different. You have to make sure both the shell AND pet cache for this to work! Some people may just leave it after that, but some people will ask who the user is. Basically for the shell, leave a couple mid end pets (draiks/plushies, etc) and put "UFA" on their pet lookup to make sure it looks legit. If the nosy person happens to mail you, don't reply for a day or two. You are 'quitting' after all!

    Example 2: I have a project/Goal of a ___, so someone down traded with me."
    Note on if you plan to do this one: Make sure you have a pet WORTH uptrading. We all know the story of Razzle and the uncommon rw, so just avoid that period. If the pet's on a shell (make sure to build it up a bit!), and you have other UC/RW pets, fake a trade with the shell. For example, if the pet you bought was a UC faerie Ixi, and you have a uc darigan Acara you're doing nothing with, fake a trade with it. You can take back the UC acara on another fake account months later, and everyone wouldv'e forgetten by then. However, some sellers may not bother to do this with you so this is definitely recommended if a trusted friend happens to be your seller. Not really recommended otherwise.

    Bad Examples

    Example 1: Someone randomly gifted me my active!! *_*
    Why is it bad: Because, think about it: If this was a high-end uc, and nobody on the PC at all knows you, then why would they believe it? Nobody on Neopets gives away all their hard work randomly. They will check up on the cache of the last owner, and if they see none, or it’s inactive…say bye-bye to your new pet.

    Example 2: I found my active in the pound.
    Why is it bad: Because, honestly…unless it was PR (Which is only at 9AM and PM NST), that pet did not get pounded. If it was well known, people will jump to the conclusion that it’s a hacked pet, and you will get reported. It has happened before, even for the lowest tier uc pet.

    Example 3: I traded –insert under offer here-
    Why it is bad: This can actually go two ways. As we saw above, yes it’s good, but only if it’s a reasonable downtrade. If you said you traded your Christmas Lupe for a UC baby kourga, people will look at you suspiciously and look up the cache of the pet.

    All in all, these bad examples lead to people looking at the cache of your pet. The point is to avoid people looking at your cache at all, is to not actually bring it up at all. When posting with your pet, just act casually. Post as usual. People won’t ask about your pet, unless you bring it up! Not every single PC'er is jealous, and if you have an account with some merit in it, people won't even BOTHER looking up the cache of your uc if the pet is not uft.


    All in all, UC traders on the PC are simply desperate for a trade, so if you've got the least bit of common sense, you should be fine. The illusion is 90% of your success and 10% of it is basic psychology and people skills (be nice be cute be friendly etc). Please please please, if you're new to the PC and keen on buying an UC P(lushie)/R(oyal)/D(raik)/K(rawk) with the intent on trading it, I suggest you keep your money and observe the PC for a good chunk of time before you do anything brash, as those types of UCs require a significant amount of trading experience. UC grey/dari/faerie are always popular, so traders won't be too suspicious, but it's always good to take precautions. The key is everything in moderation.
    If you've bought to keep, then enjoy your pet and follow a nice guide over (you need an account to see links)

    written by @(you need an account to see links)
    Last edited by I_royalty_I; 06-05-2013 at 08:21 PM. Reason: Tips

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    Toasted's Avatar
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    Example 1: Someone randomly gifted me my active!! *_*


    Great guide gals, love ya!

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    Maki's Avatar
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    We're also open to suggestions so feel free to pitch in a tip or two <3

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  7. #4
    Cath's Avatar
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    Thanks a bunch for this love. <3 + rep

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  9. #5
    Daenery's Avatar
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    This is an excellent guide, it's so detailed! You guys certainly put a considerable amount of effort into listing all the possible oversights when it comes to trading pets.

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  11. #6

    Mod's Avatar
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    Only the minds of perverts and predators can be this deceptive online.

    +full to the little chef and big man behind the screen.

    Last edited by Mod; 04-21-2013 at 10:41 PM.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Mod For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    oventoast's Avatar
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    Lately the second anyone from the PC utters the words "where did you get your pet?"... THEY KNOW. They're so damn hostile, you know they've already sent a ticket to inquire about he legitimacy of your pet "to protect you" lol

    That's the moment you should run for the hills (im not paranoid ok)

  14. #8
    Maki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oventoast View Post
    Lately the second anyone from the PC utters the words "where did you get your pet?"... THEY KNOW. They're so damn hostile, you know they've already sent a ticket to inquire about he legitimacy of your pet "to protect you" lol

    That's the moment you should run for the hills (im not paranoid ok)
    Pft, maybe once upon a time,
    They'll probs just drool over your pet and feed your ego. It rocks

    PC hasn't been as paranoid as of late; typical of them to put their own need of a good trade ahead of "your protection" ;D

    But yknow, the higher tiers you go, the more established you should look, etc
    I'm sure you're fine

  15. #9
    simmie's Avatar
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    Ahhhh mintie I thought this guide was gonna look terrible. Dx
    i think i need to add stuff

  16. #10
    Rocknroll's Avatar
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    Very helpful guide!

    Although just because people report you may not get into trouble. I'm not sure how tnt works it all out tbh.
    As (in a past life where I played by the rules) I saw on Charter a ridiculous "I'm giving away my vwn rb something or other, but I'm only making one board and will give it to someone who posted". A quick google search showed up a same name format rb for sale which had sold the day before. I reported and others did too, but both accounts were fine. Then the next week I saw the person trading the pet they'd been given ><

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