Oops. 8'D

I felt like making an intro thread just so I can get to know people better and also for people to get to know me better as well (unless you don't want to get to know me. That's cool too)

Well anyway, I'm a teenage girl who tends to panic about random things at the strangest times. I have mood swings uh... sometimes. Like, once a month and all, but it's nbd. If whoever's reading this wants to become friends, just know that sometimes, I'll complain about my other friends... just because they're fun to complain about <3

I clearly have issues. I obsess over small & cute things, I have self-esteem issues, I'm usually a pessimist and I sometimes enjoy dark humour, but honestly, if you were to ask my friends if this is all true or not, they'll laugh at you and dismiss the idea of me being pessimistic >:c

But enough about that. I'm actually generally a very outgoing person, but shy at times. I like using caps lock a lot. c:


I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I LOVE reading MLP fanfics. I ship Twixie & Pinkieshy (COME AT ME, BRO), and I pretty much obsess over everything related to MLP. We could talk for hours on end about MLP, and I still wouldn't be bored. It's just that awesome.

I also like Silent Hill, with my most favourite game being Silent Hill 2. I just love how sad and dark it is, especially with Angela Orosco's situation (and it's funny because my name is Angela too 8'D) I could read the plot summary of SH2 over and over again and just feel my... FEELS & STUFF. ;^;

I used to also love anime and manga, but I've given up on it because I have no time, but feel free to talk about Japanese shtuff with me. c: I haven't seen a lot of series yet, maybe 150+ish? I durno. I don't read manga a lot, though, lol.

Anyway, I dunno how to end this post.
So um.
