I hate the laws relating to testing new life saving drugs on human guinea pigs.

There are actually very potential cures to AIDS and many varieties of cancer that have been discovered and shown great results on animals - while people are still dying everyday. Yet many laws state that these can't be tested on humans until ___insert 7 - 20 year period here___.

I mean, I understand the risks, it could kill you, or even worse. However if I'm critical and have only a month or so, or perhaps days to go, I'd like take that gamble.

Very possibly it will be of no use and I'll still die anyway, maybe more painfully and faster, but... at least I had the chance, and hopefully in my death it gave the researchers more information towards the search for a cure, at least then my death would have some meaning.

On the brighter side, perhaps it will work, and I'll have an extra 30 years before I get splattered on the road by a car, and many others will benefit after me too instead of everyone for the next 7-20 years dying while this potential miracle cure is sitting in a lab curing puppies and mice.

Human testing is considered immoral/unethical by many, but in the case of a person who IS going to die, has no hope and is in the very late stages of their incurable, I think it should be their right to be a guinea pig if they really want to be.

5-15% of the people on the planet are immune to AIDS, though they are all (so far) white Europeans or of European descendance. One person has been documented as being cured of AIDS after a bone marrow transplant from one such European whose cells lack a receptor called CCR5 that HIV uses to enter immune cells.

Read some more here:
(you need an account to see links)

So what is your personal opinion? Do you think it's the right of the government to take away your right to choose to be a guinea pig when you're on your death bed? I personally want the final choice to be mine, not theirs, if there's a very final choice of my life... I want it to be mine.