Do you support euthanasia? Do you half support it (e.g in some cases such as terminal illness, painful death, long term coma patients 5years+) and not support it for someone just wanting to die (e.g someone I know just wants to die and has attempted suicide 5 times. Would want to be euthenized but its not legal here. Has no money to travel internationally to receive treatment).

Do you completely disagree with euthanasia and why?


My response:
I support euthanasia however it would have to be monitored like the needle was a destructive bomb.
Personally because I know someone so depressed that they want to die I think I'd support the decision they made however if it was someone closer such as a sibling or child I don't know if I'd have the same support for it just because the emotional burden would be a lot to handle (e.g blaming yourself for their depression etc)

However if anyone I knew was dying/on their deathbed and their wish was just to die in peace and without pain I'd most probably support them.