Yup, went to downtown....

Then the damn police came to me.....

I was at a stoplight and then this woman police offer walked up to the car, knocked on the window, and asking me for my registration, blahblahblah. So she came back to me, and was like "You don't have any front plates on." I was like "No, its there." So I sat there and waited for 10min while she went through her handbook trying to charge me with something. Then she hands me a ticket, and then I was like wtf? I asked to get out and sure enough the plate isn't there. Some bitch stole my plates. Now I need new plates, $400 for replacements+ a new license plate bracket. It woulda been nice if I got a warning. But oh well.

But the police offer messed up the police ticket. Wrong date and missing information.

What a day. Oh, and I got my car towed home.

Happy Victoria Day!