Conversation Between crimsoneyes and Ice

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you SO much for the recs, I will put them on my list!! I really need to branch out a bit from my personal taste bubble but am very excited to look these up, thank you!!
  2. Hello Ice! I have not read any m/m novels yet so I cannot recommend anything in that genre. I have read a few Otome Isekai though and I can recommend:
    - Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami (isekai/not wuxia)

    As for wuxia, I have one recommendation:
    - Monarch of Evernight (maybe you've read this as this is also quite popular)

    As for others: These are not wuxia, but I recommend them based on their premises:
    - Release the Witch (harem-ish, but there is no harem )
    - Mushoku Tensei (some harem but it is not obnoxious. I love how the MC interacts with his "new" parents)
  3. Hi hello I saw you like isekai/wuxia novels and was wondering if you had any recommendations (specifically m/m like MXTX's works etc.) !! I've really only read a few of the super popular m/m ones but don't mind branching out if you have any (that are translated/easily accessible to read, of any genre or setting) you particularly liked to share! ^^
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