Conversation Between Lavendrae and j03

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice to see you around again! I noticed you popped by earlier.
  2. hi joe! i hope you’re well. just wanted to drop by and say hello
  3. i could never leave him behind, he's my emotional support animal hahaha
    my parents are v old so i feel like they care for him so much in case they're not... there... when i finally maybe have a kid namsayin
  4. if i ever move out i will have to take him with me cause i dont think he will be able to survive alone.
    I wish it would be the same as it is with you haha
  5. also i'm super surprised they love him as much as they do bc i literally got him and called my dad and was like "surprise i got a cat" and he was like U TAKE CARE OF HIM YOURSELF OK
    but now they love having him around and tell me they're gonna miss him when i go back to school
  6. ...LOL SAME
    my parents were like
    when you grow up and have a kid just give him to us and we'll take care of him and you go to work
    for like a month near the end of my semester i sent maru home so it'd be easier to move out and my parents spoiled him so much
    so jelly
  7. lmao my mom treats my cat like another child as well
    he gets more attention
  8. my parents made me take his collar off him bc they were like afraid he'd suffocate even tho it's like a safecat collar that snaps open if there's too much tension
    my parents treat him like he's my kid LMAO
  9. lol just playin
    those maru snaps
  10. tru
    maru is such a talented cat
    makes his own account and everything
    so proud of little maru
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10