Conversation Between Sammikins and rachel

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'M SO EXCITED. It sounds like you're staying over. Can't w8 ;D

    Haha truuuuu. And plus if we're dating then I don't need to kiss anymore frogs

    Well I haven't met my budget yet haha which kind of sucks BUT! try not to worry about not meeting your case #s, just do the best you can, like my managers still appreciate my effort and they know my activity is up and that stuff is gonna start happening for me soon so that's a plus!! As long as they know you're trying I'm sure you'll be fine <3 Just don't get down on yourself about it, that's my main problem
  2. um girl you don't even have to ask
    brb packing some bags for our date(s)

    but hey, y'know what they say
    sometimes you gotta kiss a lot of frogs to get your prince, y'know???

    ugh i didn't know you had like, a budget that you have to meet D:
    that sucks! sigh i'd get so stressed by that
    once i get a promotion, i'll have like a certain # of cases that i'll have to do each month
    i'm scared af for that, LOL, like idk what i'm going to do if i just can't finish that many
  3. LOL I MEEEEAN... can I take you out? cuz you's a hott mama
    plus let's face it my track record lately has been... less than stellar so I'm p sure I'll have much better luck with you cuz ily <3

    Work getting cancelled is actually the woooorst because I'm so behind now! My February budget is kind of screwed haha D: So I'll take your FL weather and you can take all our show c;
  4. omg gurl you've had more dates in like
    the past week than i've had since i emerged from my mother's womb
    i guess that's what happens when you're a hottie
    i wouldn't know

    but yaaaay LOL excited for you!!!
    and omg, hahah, that's exactly what i would do
    idk if we'd be able to work from home though, ngl
    pretty sure i need like...a laboratory
    to do things

    yeah i wouldn't be able to work from home
    but in florida, work doesn't get canceled anyway
    sigh, cry
  5. You should feel good about it! It's presh I dig it <3

    I was out because we had like a foot and a half of snow, omg it was crazy. I didn't go in Thursday or Friday of last week.
    I was super distracted, hahaha I kept sleeping in super late! I couldn't help it because I KNEW I didn't have to be anywhere. But I'm trying to make up for it by staying a little late a couple days this week. Like tomorrow I'm gonna stay an extra hour, plus I have a date right by my office so0o0o might as well get some work done beforehand hehe
  6. d'aww thaaaaaaaanks <3
    i actually just changed it, hahaha
    i didn't know what i was doing before
    but now i feel pretty good about it *thumbs up*

    why were you out of the office anyway? :o
    but omg i feel you girl, i don't think i could ever work from home
    too many distractions and not enough motivation xD
    it's still stressful tbh but I'm back in the office so that makes it a little easier to focus, at least!
    & ps your profile is adorable, I loveeee that background. c:
  8. luv yew mostest <3
    how's your job, bby?
    are you still working from home?
  9. Hmmm alright, I can agree to that
    luv yew <3
  10. psh we can just both be hotties
    there, it's settled
    easy 'nuf
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