Conversation Between Lavendrae and Drizzy

10 Visitor Messages

  1. u make me happy
    when skies are grey
  2. Just wanted to say hello! Hope you’re well
  3. you make me happy
    when skies are grey
  4. u r my sunshine
    my only sunshine
  5. i miss u
  6. AW I MISS YOU TOO ;~;
  7. i need you back in my life lav i luv u
  8. not til thanksgiving but that's only a couple days
    so technically not til like dec 10 or so
  9. poor lavlav i miss u more
    when do you get a break from school??
    i need more maru snaps!
  10. lol I missed you ;-; but I been dead tbh
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10