Conversation Between Ashleys165 and Cody.

10 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks qt <33 it's just a lot to handle sometimes, but it's okay.
    MONEY IS GOOD. That's all I have to say about that lmao
  2. Well, poo. I hope things get better than "okay I guess." I've got my Skype, private message, and email if you need to vent. And yeah, the job is good. I get paid, so that's all that really matters.
  3. Oh god, where do I begin? idek. I'm okay I guess. ^___^;;
    New jobs are always fun, until they're not.
  4. I do the exact same. But I'm good, thanks! Just got done with the second day at my new job and I'm loving it! How about you?
  5. oh my god you're amazing. ♥ excellent humour, LOLOLOL ok.
    but seriously, i left ages ago. I pop in to check once in a while though.

  6. Hey, QT. Where da fuck did you go? I come back and I know like, 0 of these people. Also, I miss your excellent humor. Ash is out (and done pretending that I'm some cool thug because this entire message was cringe worthy).
  7. hi qtt!! <33
  8. ewwwwww 5 inches. now im really not jealous. xD

    and im emotional either way so im fucked basically. LOLOL
  9. Yeah, it is pretty bad. We got about five inches last night.

    And reminiscing.. Sometimes it's good, other times it's not so much. I tend to just sit there with a very blank expression. lol
  10. ew snow. It should be burned. -- well melted.

    im swell, reminiscing.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10